The 1st Mega-Delta Programme Workshop was held

On August 13, the 1st Mega-Delta Programme Workshop was held, with 26 scientists from more than ten countries participated online. Miss Chloe Nunn from IOC-UNESCO also joined this workshop on behalf of the Ocean Decade Team.

Group Photo

Professor Xiuzhen Li from the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) made a brief introduction about the background of the Mega-Delta Programme, the partners, the locations of the deltas, and welcomed all the participants. The Implementation Plan for the Mega-Delta Programme was warmly discussed, including Aims, Research Objectives, Work Plan for the Next Ten Years and Activities in the First Two Years. They all showed confidence in carrying out the Mega-Delta Programme successfully, and looked forward to work together for solutions to common problems faced by world deltas.

The Mega-Delta program is based on the “Mega-Delta Workgroup” of Future Earth Coasts. It aims to provide solutions to the problems faced by different types of deltas in different regions with different levels of social-economic development. All the deltas are faced with challenges caused by climate change and human activities. Thus, combined efforts from different organizations and multi-disciplines are required to fulfil the task. This program was listed as one of the first round of the 65 programs endorsed under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.