A comparative study between the Yangtze and Nile delta: the similarity and discrepancy

NSFC Key Project of International Cooperation and Communications: A comparative study between
the Yangtze and Nile delta: the similarity and discrepancy of the early-middle Holocene environmental
evolution and early agricultural civilization ((2017.01-2021.12).
This is an international collaborative project, which is hosted by East China Normal University, and jointed by
Kafrelsheihk (Egypt) and Axis-Marseille (France). The China’s Yangtze delta and Egypt’s Nile delta are selected as
the comparative research area. Key contents includes: 1) The role of climate-hydrological fluctuations of drainage
basin to the Holocene delta formation; 2) Holocene delta evolution in response to the role of marine dynamics; 3)
the adaptation of early agricultural development to delta environmental change, and 4) the significance of above 3 at
cross-region and global scale. The final result will shed light on the management of delta change in future
NSFC Key Project of International Cooperation and Communications
Project Period: 
2017-01 to 2019-12
East China Normal University
Kafrelsheihk University
Axis-Marseille University
Zhongyuan Chen