The Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research support research projects related to theoretical and applied research of estuarine and coastal discipline. The innovative projects with new ideas, new methods, or neodoxy, which are in the frontier domains or belong to the priority area of estuarine and coastal discipline, will be supported. The main research areas are listed as below:
Estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics, and its interaction with biogeochemical processes
Biophysical interaction and dynamic sedimentation process in muddy coastal environment
Hydro-sediment dynamics and morphodynamics of sandy coast
Response of river delta to catchment
Quantitative ascription of sediment source
Sediment problems of harbors and navigation channels
Carbon and nitrogen cycle in coastal wetlands and its environment effect
Physical process and its ecological effect in offshore area
Biogeochemical cycles and ecotoxicological effect
Ecological remediation in coastal zone
Global change, risk assessment in coastal zone, and early-warning technology
Biogeomorphic processes in estuaries and coasts
Coupled coastal wetlands and open shelf ecosystem dynamics modelling
Sedimentary records of Holocene deposits in estuaries and coasts
New technological development including remote sensing, high precision topography
Estuarine and coastal research in One Belt and One Road coastal area
Multi-disciplinary studies
Instructions for Applicants
1. The application should follow the guides listed in “Open Research Fund General Conditions” of the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University.
2. In 2018, two types of funding will be considered: 1) Senior Visiting Scholar Fund, which has a maximum budget of 0.15 million RMB; and 2) Junior Visiting Scholar Fund, with a maximum budget of 60 thousand RMB. The project period is 24 months.
3. The deadline of proposal submission is 15 June, 2018.
4. The reviewing results of the proposals will be released by the end of July, 2018.
Detailed information can be found:
1. General Conditions:
1. General Conditions:
2 Application:
Contact Information
Contact: Xiaodi Zhang
Address: State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, 3663 N. Zhongshan Rd., Shanghai 200062, China
Tel: 86-21-62232887
Fax: 86-21-62546441