ECSA2017: Extended deadline of abstract submission

Welcome to participate ECSA 2017, “Where Land Meets Ocean: The Vulnerable Interface”!
The Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) will jointly organize the ECSA 2017 conference during Oct. 16-20, 2017, in Shanghai, China.
Rivers run into the sea loaded with sediments, chemicals, detritus and organisms while at the same time seas often transport them in coastal direction. This means that estuaries and coasts are “rich interfaces” between land and ocean. This interface hosts a rich diversity of species varying from birds, fishes, and small benthic and pelagic species that not only rely on the water masses but also on the extensive tidal flats and saltmarshes of profound ecological value. The coastal zones also have a high economic values since they are the “home” to millions of people, and provide a linkage and access to water transportation and recreational activities. Nature and human compete for space and resources within a sometimes extremely dynamic coastal zone. This requires in-depth knowledge of the functioning of these coastal systems and it asks for human wisdom to find the balance and harmony between nature and use. How to compromise the benefits for multiple stake holders under increasingly intensified human intervention and global climate change forms the challenging situation with many critical questions to be answered by coastal scientists and policy makers.
In conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, we organize this conference and invite world-wide leading scientists to Shanghai to discuss cutting edge research questions and potential solutions for the vulnerable interface between land and ocean.
Due to numerous requests for an extended deadline of abstract submission, and according to current condition of registration and abstract submission, the Local Organizing Committee of ECSA2017 has decided to extend the deadline to the end of May. The date of abstract acceptance notification will be extended as well, please see the important dates as below:
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 May, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: 30 June, 2017

Shanghai Jianguo Hotel (上海建国宾馆,徐汇区漕溪北路439 号,近南丹东路)
Address: No. 439 Caoxi North Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Easy access via public transportation (Metro Line 1, 4, 9, 11).
Conference Website: