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Research and Teaching Positions Available in Estuarine, Coastal and Marine Research at the East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) at East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China, is seeking outstanding new faculty members in the fields of estuarine, coastal and marine sciences.
Fifteen (15) full-time positions across the fields of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, morphodynamics, coastal engineering, physical oceanography, marine geology, chemical oceanography and marine biology are available at lecturer, associate professor and professor levels. Vacancies will remain open until 30 June 2016, or until all positions are filled. Successful candidates will develop research programs focused on estuarine, coastal or marine science. They will also contribute to graduate teaching and postgraduate supervision.
A doctorate (Ph.D.), or with equivalent research experiences, is required in one of the following fields:
Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics
Harbor, port and coastal engineering
Coastal sedimentology and geomorphology
Physical oceanography
Chemical oceanography and biogeochemistry
Biological oceanography
Marine geology
Coastal ecosystems and aquatic environment
Successful candidates will be offered internationally competitive salaries based on qualifications and experiences, together with start-up research funds. There are also promotion opportunities if qualified during the contract period.
For those who have children: We have the priority to send your kids to the top level kindergarden in Shanghai, which is attached to the East China Normal University.
Interested candidates are invited to send a PDF file including curriculum vitae, a cover letter with future research interests and plans, and the names and addresses of three referees to:
For additional information regarding the positions, please contact:
Dr. Hong Jiang (
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research
East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
Tel: +86-21-62232887

                                                                    Research Positions Available at SKLEC-NIVA Center
Professor, Associate Professor and Postdoctoral Researcher positions in Chemical Oceanography, Marine Biogeochemistry, Marine Ecology, Biophysics and Marine Instrumentation at the SKLEC-NIVA Centre for Marine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
The SKLEC-NIVA Centre for Marine and Coastal Research is a strategic partnership between the State Key Laboratory for Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East Normal University, Shanghai, China and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway. The Centre is under the leadership of Prof. Richard Bellerby.
SKLEC-NIVA performs world-class research on coastal and open-ocean systems delivering new understanding on, and between, climate and environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, coastal and marine ecosystems, management and policy.
We are looking for highly qualified applicants in the fields of Chemical Oceanography, Marine Biogeochemistry, Ocean Acidification, Marine and Coastal Ecology and Marine instrumentation. Applicants should have a PhD with a proven research record, should be flexible, independent, innovative and cooperative, and wish to work in a broad interdisciplinary scientific research group. You should be able to work in a team, but also independently. You are able to communicate easily in English, both verbally and in writing. 
Postdoctoral Researcher positions
In the SKLEC-NIVA Centre, Quan-Xing’s group is using marine algae as the model systems to explore how physical environments can control organisms’ behavior and biodiversity. With specific expertise in theoretical models, we integrate the controlled lab experiments and mathematical model to understand how ecological processes and physical environments shape the spatial patterned formation in marine ecology. Our vision is that understanding individuals (or micro-scale) biophysical interactions is paramount to predicting ecosystem-level dynamics and functionality with the collaborators from NYU and SJTU research groups.
For this postdoctoral position applications are welcome from early-career scientists with an outstanding track record in Biophysics / Quantitative Biology, Biomathematics, Ecology, and a strong interest in Movement Ecology.
We offer a competitive salary, pension and working conditions, together with start-up research funds.
Please submit applications, with letter of interest, CV and contact details of two referees to (email subject “SKLEC-NIVA Position”).
Closing date: Until March 10th, or all the positions are filled.