IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) will hold the fourth in its IMBIZO series at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, from 26-30 October 2015. (IMBIZO is a Zulu word meaning a ‘meeting or gathering’).
Overall Theme of IMBIZO IV:
Marine and human systems
Addressing multiple scales and multiple stressors
Marine ecosystems are amongst the most productive ecosystems in the world, providing benefits that humans depend on for survival, food, livelihoods and well-being. The interactions between humans and marine systems are complex, and are continually evolving as they mitigate and adapt to the cumulative effects of global change.
The multiple stressors and drivers of global change in the marine and human systems differ geographically, depending on whether they occur in coastal areas, the continental shelf, or the open ocean, and moreover, vary at temporal scales.
The challenge for ensuring sustainable governance of marine ecosystems and human societies in the future is the development of systems level understanding of the effects of global change at multiple scales. IMBIZO IV will explore the interactions of multiple drivers and stressors at different spatial and temporal scales. Of interest will be the global implications (and scaling up) of the responses of marine biogeochemistry, ecosystems, and social and governance structures observed at these different spatial and temporal scales.
Meeting Format
IMBIZO IV will follow the format of three concurrent and interacting workshops, with joint plenary and poster sessions. This has proved to be an effective format for stimulating discussion between interdisciplinary experts and also to provide linkages between biogeochemistry, ecosystem and social science research. To facilitate effective discussion, each workshop will be limited to about 40 participants. The participants will be selected on the basis of their active interests in the topic. The aim is also to provide balance in scientific disciplines represented at the workshops as well as the geographic origin of the participants.
Each of the three workshops will include oral and poster presentations to showcase the current state of knowledge in marine and human systems and their governance. Discussion sessions will synthesize current knowledge and identify key questions to be addressed by the IMBER research community. It is expected that each workshop will produce a scientific product, for example a synthesis paper or special issue.
We invite members of the community to submit proposals for the topics of the three workshops. Please include a title, short description of the workshop topic, including key points that address the overall IMBIZO theme, and
conveners for the workshop. The proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee and notifications of successful proposals will sent by mid-December 2014.
Please send workshop proposals to Lisa Maddison ( <> ) before 21 November 2014.