Sun Qianli

Job Title: 
Research Interests: 
Zhongshan N. Road 3663,Shanghai 200062, China
Work Experience: 
副研究员, 华东师范大学河口海岸科学研究院 (2009-)
博士后, 华东师范大学地理学 (2006-2009)
博士, 助理研究员, 中国科学院地球环境研究所 (2002-2006)
Managed Projects: 
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目一项(洞庭湖地区全新世气候特征、湖面波动与人类迁移的耦合研究,编号:41272194)主持,在研,2013-2016;
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金1项(中国北方环境敏感带中全新世环境特征的湖泊沉积学记录,编号:40502020)主持,结题,2006~2008;
3. 973项目“我国大陆季风-干旱环境系统发展过程的研究” 二级课题“半干旱带湖泊记录的季风-干旱环境变率”专题一项 (其中全新世以来岱海湖面变化与环境演化;主持,在研,2004~2008);
4. 中国科学院知识创新重要方向性交叉项目专题1项(我国自然环境分异耦合过程与发展趋势编号,KZCX2-SW-118)主持,2001~2005;
5. 科技部基础研究重大项目前期研究专项专题1项(我国大陆干旱区和季风区环境科学钻探,编号,2001CCB00100)主持,2002~2005;
6. 参加国家基金委重大自然科学基金项目(晚新生代青海湖高分辨率的古环境记录及其对全球变化的意义,批准号:40599420), 二级课题40599422中三级专题一项,负责人,2006~2009
7 中国博士后科研基金一等一项(批准号:20070410171)
1. An Zhisheng, Wang Ping,Shen Ji, Zhang Yixiang, Zhang Peizhen,,Wang Sumin, Li Xiaoqiang, Sun Qianli, Song Yougui, Ai Li, Zhang Yechun Jiang Shaoren, Liu Xingqi, Wang Yong. Geophysical survey on the tectonic and sediment distribution of Qinghai Lake basin. Science in China, Series D 2006, 49 (8):851-861
2. D Y Liu., Y J Shi., B P Di ., Q L Sun., Y J Wang., Z J Dong., H B Shao. 2011. The impact of different pollution sources on modern dinoflagellate cysts in the SishiliBay, Yellow Sea, China. Marine Micropaleontology (In press)
3. Feng W., Steven S H., Q L Sun, Simon H S.2011.Provenance of Chinese Loess: Evidence from Stable Lead Isotope. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 3, 305-314
4. Li X Q, Donson J, Zhou J,Wang S M, Sun Q L. Vegetation and climate variations at Taibai, Qingling mountains in Central China for the last 3500 cal BP. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2005,47(8): 905~916
5. Li Xiao qiang., Zhou Jie., Shen Ji., Weng Chengyu., Zhao Honglia., Sun Qianli. Vegetation history and climatic variations during the last 14 ka BP inferred from a pollen record at Daihai Lake, north-central China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2004, 132:195~205
6. Li, M T; Chen, Z Y; Yin, DW; Chen, J; Wang, ZH; Sun, QL. 2011. Morphodynamic characteristics of the dextral diversion of the Yangtze River mouth, China: tidal and the Coriolis Force controls. Eath Surface Processes and Landforms 22 (3): 641-650
7. Q L SUN., D Y Liu, T Liu, B P Di, F Wu. 2011.Temporal and spatial distribution of trace metals in sediments from the northern Yellow Sea coast, China: Implications for regional anthropogenic processes.2011. Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1277-4
8. Qianli SUN., Zhanghua WANG., Jing CHEN., Wu FENG., 2010. Climate implications of major geochemical elements in the Holocene sediments of the North and East China monsoonal regions. Front. Earth Sci. China DOI 10.1007/s11707-009-0035-3
9. Sun D H., An Z S., Su RX., Wu X H., Wang S M., Sun Q L., et al., Mathematical approach to sedimentary component partitioning of polymodal sediments and its applications. Progress in 2. Nature Sciences, 2001, (11) 5:374~38
10. Sun Q L., Wang S M., Zhou J., Chen Z Y., Shen J., Xie X P., Wu F., Chen P. 2010. Sediment geochemistry of Lake Daihai, north-central China: implications for catchment weathering and climate change during the Holocene. Journal of Paleoliminology DOI 10.1007/s10933-009-9315-x
11. Sun Qianli, Wang Sumin, Zhou jie., Shen Ji., Chen Peng., Wu Feng., Xie Xiuping, Monsoon climate variations since the last 16.2 Ka BP in monsoon/arid transition zone of north China recorded by Lake Daihai sediment. Quaternary International, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2007.03.000,pp.402
12. Sun Qianli, Zhoujie, Peng Zicheng,et al. High-precision Uranium-series dating of lacustrine Carbonates from Lake Daihai. Chinese.Sci. Bulletin, 2001 (46)7: 588~591
13. Sun Qianli., Wang Sumin., Zhou Jie., Shen Ji., Cheng Peng., Xie Xiuping.,Wu Feng., 2009. Lake surface fluctuations since the late glaciation at Lake Daihai, North central China:A direct indicator of hydrological processes responded to East Asian monsoon climate. Quaternary international Quaternary International 194, 45-54
14. Sun Qianli., Zhou jie., Shen Ji., Chen Peng., Wu Feng., Xie Xiuping. Environmental characteristics of Mid-Holocene recorded by lacustrine sediments from Lake Daihai, north environment sensitive zone, China. Science in China (series D), 2006, 9: 968~981
15. 安芷生, 王平, 沈吉, 张毅祥, 张培震, 王苏民, 李小强, 孙千里, 宋友桂, 张叶春, 姜绍仁, 刘兴起, 汪勇. 青海湖湖底构造及沉积物分布的地球物理勘探研究. 中国科学(D辑),2006,36(4): 332~341
16. 韩华玲,陈静,孙千里,陈中原,Alaa Salem.埃及Faiyum盆地沉积物中粒度和磁化率对风砂活动的指示意义. 湖泊科学,2011 23(2):303~310
17. 孙东怀, 安芷生, 苏瑞侠, 吴锡浩, 王苏民, 孙千里等. 古环境中沉积物粒度组分分离的数学方法及其应用. 自然科学进展, 2001 , 11 (3):269~276
18. 孙千里 肖举乐 刘韬. 2010.岱海沉积物元素地球化学特征反映的末次冰期以来季风/干旱过渡区的水热条件变迁. 第四纪研究 30(6)1121~1130
19. 孙千里, 周杰, 肖举乐. 岱海沉积物粒度特征及其古环境意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2001, 21(1): 93-95
20. 孙千里,肖举乐. 岱海湖泊沉积记录的中国北方干旱-半干旱区全新世适宜期特征. 第四纪研究,2006,5:781~790
21. 孙千里,周杰,彭子成等. 岱海湖泊沉积碳酸盐的高精度铀系测年. 科学通报. 2001, 46( 2 ):150~153
22. 孙千里,周杰,沈吉,程鹏,吴枫,解修平. 北方环境敏感带岱海湖泊沉积所记录的全新世中期环境特征. 中国科学(D辑), 2006,36(9):838-849
23. 吴枫,曹军骥,安芷生,孙千里. 最近25万年亚洲粉尘与北太平洋古生产力和大气CO2变化的联系. 过程工程学报, 2006, 6 (2): 75-80.
24. 彭亚君,孙千里,陈静,李茂田. 中国4.0ka BP年前后气候的空间分布特征及其对史前文明变迁的影响. 地质论评, 2013, (2):248-266 (通讯作者)