Zuo Fang

Research Interests:
Internationalization of Higher Education
Capacity Building
Transnational Academic Mobility
+86 21 5483 6463
Office A219, SKLEC, Minhang Campus, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200241, China
Education Experience:
2022-present. On-the-job Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership and Administration, East China Normal University
2011. M.Sc. in Biology Curriculum and Instruction, School of Life Science, East China Normal University
2008. B.Sc. in Biology, School of Life Science, Tianjin Normal University
Work Experience:
2024-present. Executive Officer, IMBeR International Project Office, East China Normal University
2018-2023. Deputy Director, IMBeR International Project Office, East China Normal University
2014-present. Research Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
2011-2017. Administrative Assistant, IMBER Regional Project Office, East China Normal University
Personal Details :
Fang has a background in developing science education curriculum for school students. She joined IMBeR in 2011 as Administrative Assistant and spent many years coordinating projects and events. Her recent work focuses on capacity development for early career marine researchers especially in the Indo-Pacific region.
F. Zuo, L.M. Hu, and J. Zhang (2014). Capacity building assessment for integrated marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research in the Asia-Pacific region. APN Science Bulletin, 2014, 4: 35-39. https://doi.org/10.30852/sb.2014.35
G. Hong, F. Zuo, K. Qin (2024). Changing marine biosphere in the West Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 214: 105357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2024.105357
G. Hong, C. Vivian, C. Vogt, F. Haag, F. Zuo, and K. Qin (2023). Enhancing the Anthropocene coastal infrastructure sustainability using the approaches developed by the London Convention and Protocol. Anthropocene Coasts 6, 7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44218-023-00022-w
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