Zhao Ning

Job Title: 
Research Interests: 
Sea-level Change
Education Experience: 
PhD (2017) MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography
BS (2011) School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University
Work Experience: 
2020- Professor. School of Marine Science & State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
2017-2020 Post-doctoral Scientist. Department of Climate Geochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Reviewing Activity: 
Manuscript - Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geophysical Research Letters, Quaternary Science Reviews
IPCC 6th Assessment Report
Research Proposal - U.S. National Science Foundation
  • N. Zhao, D. Oppo, K.-F. Huang, J. Howe, J. Blusztajn, and L. D. Keigwin (2019). Glacial–interglacial Nd isotope variability of North Atlantic Deep Water modulated by North American ice sheet. Nature Communications, 10: 5773.
  • D. Khider et al. (92 co-authors including Ning Zhao) (2019). PaCTS v1.0: A crowdsourced reporting standard for paleoclimate data. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34: 1570-1596.
  • N. Zhao, and L. D. Keigwin (2018). An atmospheric chronology for the glacial-deglacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific. Nature Communications, 9: 3077. (Research Highlight in Science)
  • H. C. Larsen, G. Mohn, M. Nirrengarten, Z. Sun, J. Stock, Z. Jian, A. Klaus, C. Alvarez-Zarikian, J. Boaga, S. A. Bowden, A. Briais, Y. Chen, D. Cukur, K. Dadd, W. Ding, M. Dorais, E. Ferre, F. Ferreira, A. Furusawa, A. Gewecke, J. Hinojosa, T. W. Höfig, K. Hsiung, B. Huang, E. Huang, X. Huang, S. Jiang, H. Jin, B. Johnson, R. Kurzawski, C. Lei, B. Li, L. Li, Y. Li, J. Lin, C. Liu, C. Liu, Z. Liu, A. Luna, C. Lupi, A. McCarthy, L. Ningthoujam, , N. Osono, D. W. Peate, P. Persaud, N. Qiu, C. Robinson, S. Satolli, I. Sauermilch, J. C. Schindlbeck, S. Skinner, S. Straub, X. Su, C. Su, L. Tian, F. M. van der Zwan, S. Wan, H. Wu, R. Xiang, R. Yadav, L. Yi, P., C. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, N. Zhao, G. Zhong, and L. Zhong (2018). Rapid transition from continental breakup to oceanic crust at South China Sea rifted margin. Nature Geoscience, 11: 782-789.
  • L. D. Keigwin, S. Klotsko, N. Zhao, B. Reilly, L. Giosan, and N.W. Driscoll (2018). Deglacial floods in the Beaufort Sea preceded Younger Dryas cooling. Nature Geoscience, 11: 599-604.
  • N. Zhao, O. Marchal, L. D. Keigwin, D. Amrhein, and G. Gebbie (2018). A synthesis of deglacial deep-sea radiocarbon records and their (in)consistency with modern ocean circulation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33: 128-151.
  • E. A. Boyle, J.-M. Lee, Y. Echegoyen, A. Noble, S. Moos, G. Carrasco, N. Zhao, R. Kayser, J. Zhang, T. Gamo, H. Obata, and K. Norisuye (2014). Anthropogenic lead emissions in the ocean: the evolving global experiment. Oceanography, 27(1): 69–75.
  • N. Zhao, Y. Yang, J. Gao, Y. Liu, T. Cai, and J. Jia (2014). The influences of natural and human activities on sources and evolution of organic matter in the Yuehu lagoon sediments. Geochimica, 43(4): 365-374. (In Chinese, with English abstract)