JianJun Jia

Job Title:
+(86) 21 6254 6441
500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Education Experience:
1990.09-1994.07,Nanjing University, B.Sc.
1994.09-1996.07,Nanjing University, M.Sc.
1998.09-2001.07,Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D
Work Experience:
1996.08-1998.08, Hohai University, Assitant
2002.02-2004.04, Nanjing University, PostDoc
2004.05-2007.11, The Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Associate Research Professor
2007.12-2016.05, The Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Research Professor
2016.05-Present, East China Normal University, Research Professor
Academic Exchange:
2005.08-2007.01, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, The College of William & Mary, Visiting Scholar
Personal Details :
- 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目“人类活动影响下的长江水下三角洲地貌动力系统状态转换”(编号:41876092),负责人。
- 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目“浙江沿岸泥区的沉积物滞留系数及其淤积潜力”(编号:41376068),负责人。
- 2008-2010 国家自然科学基金面上项目“人类活动背景下小型潮汐汊道的动力地貌演化及其环境效应”(编号:40776049),负责人。
- 2003-2005 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“海洋环境中沉积物粒度趋势形成的动力机制”(编号:40206006),负责人。
- 2009-2012 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目“基岩港湾型潮汐汊道的动力地貌演化与稳定性研究”(编号:Z5080241),负责人。
- 2009-2013 海洋公益性行业科研专项重点项目子课题,“东海海岛现状调研及基岩类海岛规划编制技术研究及应用示范”(编号:200905004-2)。负责人。
- 2010-2012 我国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908专项)——海南省海岛海岸带调查成果集成(HN908-04-03),负责人。
- 2009-2011 我国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908专项)——浙江省重要海洋资源及其承载力综合评价(ZJ908-02-01),负责人。
- 2011 国家海岛保护与管理专项——“无居民海岛物种登记规范编制及培训指导”,负责人
- 2016 三门县大陆海岸线调查,负责人
- 2014-2015 三门湾区域海洋功能区划编制,负责人。
- 2014-2015 舟山电厂三期扩建工程泥沙运动与岸滩稳定性分析,负责人。
1. Jia J J*, Gao J H, Cai T L, Li Y, Yang Y, Wang Y P, Li J, Wang A J, Xia X M, Gao S, 2018. Sediment accumulation and retention of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) subaqueous delta and its distal muds over the last century. Marine Geology, 401: 2-16. (DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.04.005)
2. Jia J J, Yang Y, Cai TL, Gao JH, Xia XM, Li Y, Gao S, 2018. On the sediment age estimated by 210Pb dating: Probably misleading “prolonging” and multiple-factor-caused “loss”. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(6): 30-39 (DOI: 10.1007/s13131-018-1214-4)
3. Li Y, Jia J J, Zhu Q G, Cheng P, Gao S, Wang Y P, 2018. Differentiating the effects of advection and resuspension on suspended sediment concentrations in a turbid estuary. Marine Geology, 403: 179-190 (DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.06.001)
4. Xue C F, Jia J J*, Gao S, et al. The contribution of middle and small rivers to the distal mud of subaqueous Changjiang Delta: results from Jiaojiang River and Oujiang River [J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2018, 40(5): 75-89, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2018.05.007
5. Gao J H, Jia J J, Kettner A J, Xing F, Wang Y P, Li J, Bai F L, Zou X Q, Gao S. 2018. Reservoir-induced changes to fluvial fluxes and their downstream impacts on sedimentary processes: The Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China. Quaternary International , 493: 187-197 (DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.03.015)
6. Gao J H, Jia J J, Sheng H, Yu R, et al., 2017. Variations in the transport, distribution and budget of 210Pb in sediment over the estuarine and inner shelf areas of the East China Sea due to Changjiang catchment changes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 122(1): 235-247
7. Wang X K, Jin X L, Jia J J*, Xia X M, Wang Y P, Gao J H, Liu Y F, 2016. Simulation of water surge processes and analysis of water surge bearing capacity in Boao Bay, Hainan Island, China. Ocean Engineering, 125, 51–59.
8. Gao J H, Jia J J , Wang Y P, Yang Y, Zou X Q, Li J, Gao S, 2015. Variations in quantity, composition and grain size of Changjiang sediment discharging into the sea in response to human activities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 645-655.
9. Gao J H, Jia J J, Kettner A J, Xing F, Wang Y P, Xu X N, Yang Y, Zou X Q, Gao S, Qi S H, Liao F Q, 2014. Changes in water and sediment exchange between the Changjiang River and Poyang Lake under natural and anthropogenic conditions, China. Science of the Total Environment, 481: 542–553.
10. Wang Y P, Gao S, Jia J J, Liu Y L, Gao J H, 2014. Remarked morphological change in a large tidal inlet with low sediment-supply. Continental Shelf Research, 90:79-95
11. Jia J J, Gao J H, Liu Y F, Gao S, Yang Y, 2012. Environmental changes in Shamei Lagoon, Hainan, China: Interactions between natural processes and human activities. Journal of Asia Earth Science, 52, 158-168
12. Wang Y P, Gao S, Jia J J, 2012. Sediment transport over an accretional intertidal flat with influences of reclamation, Jiangsu coast, China. Marine Geology, 291-294: 147–161.
13. Jia J J and Gao S. A sedimentological approach to P-A relationships for tidal inlet systems: an example from Yuehu Inlet, Shandong Peninsula, China, 2008. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2(3): 262-268
14. Jia J J, Wang Y P, Gao S, Wang A J, Li Z H, 2006. Interpreting grain-size trends associated with bedload transport on the intertidal flats at Dafeng, central Jiangsu Coast. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(3): 341-351
15. Shen J, Jia J J, and Sisson G M, 2006. Inverse Estimation of Nonpoint Sources of Fecal Coliform for Establishing Allowable Load for Wye River, Maryland. Water Research, 40 (18): 3333-3342.
16. Gao S, Jia J J, 2004. Sediment and Carbon Accumulation in a Small Tidal Basin: Yuehu, Shandong Peninsula, China. Regional Environmental Changes, 4(1), 63-69
17. Jia J J, Gao S and Xue Y C, 2003. Sediment Dynamic Behaviour of Small Tidal Inlets: an Example from Yuehu Inlet, Shandong Peninsula, China. Estuaries, Coast and Shelf Sciences, 57(5-6), 783-801.
18. Gao S, Jia J J, 2003. Modeling Suspended Sediment Distribution in Continental Shelf Upwelling/Downwelling Settings. Geo-Marine Letters, 22, 218-226
19. Jia J J, Lu W J, Qian Y D, 2000. Physical modeling on localized scour in front of the south groin group, for the ChangJiang Estuary Waterway Harness Project Phase I. China Ocean Engineering, 14(4): 473-484.
1. 中国海岛(礁)名录。2013年海洋科学技术奖,二等奖(排名第二)
2. 《中国海岛志》编纂。2013年海洋科学技术奖,一等奖(排名11)