Guo Leicheng

Leicheng Guo, 2014. Modeling estuarine morphodynamics under combined river and tidal forcing. PhD. Dissertation of Delft University of Technology and UNESCO-IHE published by CRC Press. (open on
Qing He, Leicheng Guo, Hong Liu, Ya Wang, 2015. Changjiang estuary sediment transport dynamics. In: Jing Zhang (ed.), Ecological continuum from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) watersheds to the East China Sea continental margin, Springer, pp.47-69.
Conference attending
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(6). Shanghai Rising Star Programme, Morphodynamic modeling and prediction of the estuarine morphodynamics in the Changjiang, 2019-2022, No.19QA1402900, PI.</div>
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(5). National Natural Science Foundation (China), Tidal river morphodynamic equilibrium restoration and implications on sediment flux to the sea, 2019-2022, No.41876091, PI.</div>
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(4). National Natural Science Foundation (China), River-tide interaction and the governing mechanisms, 2016-2018, No. 41506105, PI.</div>
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(3). National Natural Science Foundation (China), “Estuarine sediment transport and source-sink transformation in response to natural processes and human activities” (No.41276080), Participant with work focusing on modeling of sediment transport and morphodynamics in the Yangtze River estuary, involved in field work and extensive data analysis</div>
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(2). National Natural Science Foundation (China), “Navigational channel siltation and channel-flat response in a highly turbid estuary” (No.51320105005), Participant with work focusing on sediment dynamics and morphodynamic evolution of the Yangtze River estuary based on field data and involves in field work</div>
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(1). Sino-Dutch Cooperation Projects, “Sediment and sediment transport from upstream to estuary: Research on Sediment from Upstream to Estuary” (ReSeDUE) (No. 60038881), Participant with work focusing on long-term estuarine morphodynamic processes and governing processes by numerical modeling</div>
(21) Lin Jianliang, He Qing*, Guo Leicheng, Bram van Prooijen, Wang Zheng Bing, 2020. An integrated optic and acoustic (IOA) approach for measuring suspended sediment concentration in highly turbid environments. Marine Geology, 467, 106062,
(20) Guo Chao, Jin Zhongwu, Guo Leicheng *, Lu Jinyuo, Ren Yue, Zhou Yinjun, 2020. On the cumulative dam impact in the upper Changjiang River: Streamflow and sediment load changes. CATENA 184, 104250,