Gi Hoon Hong

Job Title:
Research Interests:
Low temperature geochemistry
Environmental radioactivity
Science based international marine environment protection policy formulation
(021) 33503531
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Rd., Minhang, Shanghai, China
Academic Position:
International Consultancy
1991.6: International Atomic Energy Agency/UN (TECDOC Drafting Member “Inventory of accidents and losses at sea involving radioactive material”)
1991.3-1993.1: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO/UN (Korean Representative at 16th and 20th General Assembly)
1992-present: Western Pacific Sub-Commission, UNESCO/IOC (Atmospheric Input working group, coral group member)
1993-1995: Korea-Japan-Russian and IAEA international investigation of the consequence on the Russian radioactive wastes dumping at the Far Eastern Seas (Member).
1999.3-2001.2: International Atomic Energy Agency/UN (Coordinated Research Program “Worldwide Marine Radioactivity,” Member)
2002.6-2005: Pacific Oceanography Journal (Vladivostok) (Associate Editor)
2003.4-2011.4: London Convention/Protocol Scientific Groups (elected Vice Chair)
2011.5-2015.5: London Convention/Protocol Scientific Groups (elected Chair)
2012-2013. Technical Report Series “Environmental Behavior of Thorium” Drafting group member, International Atomic Energy Agency.
2012-2016: London Convention/Protocol Meeting of Parties (elected Vice Chair)
2013- 2016: Board member of the Eastern Dredging Association
2016- 2017: London Convention/Protocol Meeting of Contracting Parties (elected Chair)
2017.5 -present GESAMP WG 42: The impacts of wastes and other matter in the marine environment from mining operations, including deep-sea mining. The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP). Internation
2021.01-present: a member of Group of Experts, World Ocean Assessment II, United Nations.
National Consultancy
1988.4-1988.12: Consultant, Korea Water Resources Corp
1990.3-1994.2: Secretary for the National Committee of Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) of International Council for Science (ICSU)
1998.3-2001.2: Planning Committee on Global Change Research of G7 Project, Ministry of Environment (Chairman)
1998.3.- 2017.12: Advisor on London Protocol affairs to Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries.
Membership of Professional Societies
Geochemical Society
American Geophysical Union
Korean Oceanography Society (Associate Editor: 1993-1994)
Korean Limnology Society
Korean Society of Water Pollution Research & Control
National Committee of SCOR (Executive Secretary: 1990-1994)
Korean Environmental Dredging Society (Chair: 2011-2015)
Korean Environmental Analysis Society (Vice President, 2011-2015)
Korean Environmental Impact Analysis Society (board member, 2011-2017)
Education Experience:
1977: Seoul National University, Korea. B.S. Oceanography
1981: Seoul National University, Korea. M.S. Oceanography
1986: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. Ph.D. Chemical Oceanography
Work Experience:
1977, 1980: Teaching Assistant, Seoul National University
1977, 1980-1981: Researcher, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI)/KIST
1981-1986: Research Assistant, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska
1986 -2014.7: Associate, Senior Scientist, KORDI
1990- 1993: Head, Ocean Biogeochemistry Laboratory of KORDI
1996.11-1997.9: Director, Research Policy Development Division of KORDI
2014.8-2018.1. President, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (Formerly KORDI)
2018.9. Visiting Professor at the SKLEC, ECNU (Overseas High-Level Expert)
2019.1-2020.12. Adjunct Professor, Department of Geology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202. USA.
2019.4-10. Visiting Professor, Department of Geology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202. USA.
2019.11. Visiting Professor at the SKLEC, ECNU (Overseas High-Level Expert)
2021.3-present. Strategy Director of the International Project Office of the International Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) and Visiting Professor, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University
[1] Hong GH*, Baskaran M, Molaroni SM, Burger. 2011. Anthropogenic and natural radionuclides in caribou and muskoxen in the western Alaskan arctic and marine fish in the Aleutian Islands in the first half of 2000s. Science of the Total Environment 409, 3638-3648.
[2] Choi JY, Yu J, Yang DB, Ra KT, Kim KT, Hong GH, KH Shin. 2011. Ace Acetylthiocholine (ATC) - cleaving cholinesterase (ChE) activity as a potential biomarker of pesticide exposure in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, of Korea. Marine Environmental Research 71, 162-168.
[3] Choi KY, Kim SH, Hong GH, Chon HT. 2012. Distributions of heavy metals in the sediments of South Korean harbors. Environment Geochemistry and Health 34, 71-82.
[4] Hernandez-Ceballos MA, Hong GH, Lozano RL, Kim YI, Lee HM, Kim SH, Yeh SW, Bolivar JP, Baskaran M. 2012. Tracking the complete revolution of surface westerlies over Northern Hemisphere using radionuclides emitted from Fukushima. Science of the Total Environment 438, 80-85.
[5] Kenna T, Masque P, Mas JL, Camara-Mor P, Chamizo E, Scholten J, Erikshon M, Sanchez-Cabeza JA, Gautaud J, Levy I, Hermann J, Lindahl P, Hong GH, Nielsen S. 2012. Intercalibration of selected anthropogenic radionuclides for the GEOTRACES Program. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10, 590-607.
[6] Hong GH, Yang DB, Lee HM, Yang SR, Chung HW, Kim CJ, Kim YI, Chung CS, Ahn YH, Park Y, Moon JE. 2012. Surveillance of waste disposal activity at sea using satellite ocean color imagers: GOCI and MODIS. Ocean Science Journal 47,387-394.
[7] Church T, Rigaud S, Baskaran M, Kumar A, Friedrich J, Masque P, Puigcorbe V, Kim G, Radakovitch O, Hong GH, Choi H, Stewart G. 2012. Intercalibration studies of 210Po and 210Pb in dissolved and particulate seawater samples. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10, 776-789.
[8] Baskaran M, Church TM, Hong GH, Kumar A, Qiang M, Choi HY, Rigaud S, Maiti K. 2013. Effects of flow rates and composition of the filter, and decay/in-growth correction factors involved with the determination of in-situ particulate 210Po and 210Pb in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 11,126-138.
[9] Hong GH, Baskaran M, Church TM, Conte M. 2013. Scavenging, cycling and removal fluxes of 210Po and 210Pb at the Bermuda Time series site in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research II 93, 108-118.
[10] Hong GH, Kim CJ, Yeemin T, Siringan FP, Zhang J, Lee HM, Choi KY, Yang DB, Ahn YH, Ryu JH. 2013. Potential release of PCBs from plastic gear to fringing coral reef sediments in the Gulf of Thailand. Deep-Sea Research II 96: 41-49.
[11] Choi KY, Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim CJ. 2013. Metal contamination and potential toxicity of sediment from the lock gate port in South Korea. Journal of Coastal Research 65 -International Coastal Symposium 1:31-35.
[12] Morrisson RJ, Zhang J, Urban ER Jr., Hall J, Ittekkot V, Avril B, Hu L, Hong GH, Kidwai S, Lange C, Lobanov V, Machiwa J, San Diego-McGlone ML, Oguz T, Plumely FG, Yeemin T, Zhu W, Zuo F. 2013. Developing human capital for successful implementation of international marine scientific research projects. Marine Pollution Bulletin 72, 11-22.
[13] Aramaki T, Tanaka SS, Kushibashi S, Kim YI, Kim CJ, Hong GH, Senjyu T. 2013. Spatial distribution of radiocarbon in the southwestern Japan/East Sea immediately after bottom water renewal. Jull AJT and Hatte C (ed.). Proceedings of the 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Radiocarbon 55, 1675-1682.
[14] Choi JY, Hong GH, Ra K, Kim KT, Kim K, 2014. Magnetic characteristics of sediment grains contaminated with TBT and metals concurrently near a shipyard in Busan, Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85, 679-685.
[15] Lee HM, Hong GH*, Baskaran M, Kim SH, Kim YI., KC Cho. 2014. Evaluation of plating conditions on the recovery of 210Po onto the Ag planchet. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 46.
[16] Hong GH, Lee YJ. 2015. Transitional measures to combine two global ocean dumping treaties into a single treaty. Marine Policy 55, 47-56.
[17] Woo KS, Ji H, Jo KN, Yi S, Cheng H, Edwards RL. Hong GH. 2015. Reconstruction of the Northeast Asian monsoon climate history for the past 400 years based on textural, carbon and oxygen isotope record of a stalagmite from Yongcheon lava tube cave, Jeju Island, Korea. Quaternary International 384, 37-51.
[18] Cao L, Hong GH, Liu S. 2015. Metal elements in the bottom sediments of the Changjang Estuary and its adjacent continental shelf of the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 95, 458-468.
[19] Kim SH and Hong GH*. 2019. On the role of 210Bi in the apparent disequilibrium of 210Pb-210Po at sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 208-209, 106024.
[20] Hong GH, and Pavel PP. 2021. Environmental Protection: The Oceans—Implications of Manmade Radiation. Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, 505-519.
[21] Hong GH, and Pavel PP. 2021. Environmental Protection: The Oceans—Formation and Global Climate Change. Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, 485-504.
[1] Hong GH*, Zhang J, and Park BK (eds.). 1998. Health of the Yellow Sea. The Earth Love Publication Association, Seoul. 342p. ISBN 89-85277-25-1.
[2] Hong GH*, Zhang J, and Chung CS (eds.). 1999. Biogeochemistry of Bohai and the Yellow Sea. The Dongjin Publication Assocation, Seoul. 274p. ISBN 89-444-1201-4.
[3] Hong GH*, Zhang J, and Chung CS (eds.). 2002. Impact of interface exchange on the biogeochemical processes of the Yellow and East China seas. Bumshin Press, Seoul. 519p. ISBN 8995283513, 9788995283516.
[4] Hong GH*, Hamilton TR, Baskaran MB, Kenna TC. 2011. Applications of anthropogenic radionuclides as traces to investigate marine environmental processes. Handbook of environmental isotope geochemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. 367-394.
[5] Chung CS, Hong GH. 2016. White paper on the Korean Waste Dumping at Sea. Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries. 140p.
[6] Hong GH, Chung CS. 2016. Barriers to compliance with the termination of the ocean dumping of sewage sludge in the Republic of Korea. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. 93p.
1990.12. Research Development Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (No.218)
1992.12. Achievement Award, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (No.92115)
1999.4. Science achievement award, Prime Minister of Korea (No. 94213)
1999.12. Excellent paper award, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (No.98043)
1999.12. Best research team award (Principal Investigator), Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (No.99074)
2008. 5. Presidential award on marine industry. No.166037 (Republic of Korea).
2009. 5. Excellent paper award. Korean Society of Marine Environmental Engineering.
2002-present. Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering. New Providence NJ, USA.
2006-present. Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the world. New Providence NJ, USA.
2003-2007. Listed in International Scientist of the Year, International Biographical Center, Cambridge UK.
2008. Listed in Top 100 Scientists. International Biographical Center, Cambridge UK.
2008. Invited to be listed in the Great Minds of the 21st Century. American Biographical Institute
2011 National Assembly Environment Forum Award.
2015 Elsevier Reviewer Recognition