Cui Ying

Job Title: 
Senior Engineer
Research Interests: 
Carbon and nitrogen content analysis
Gas chromatography analysis
Zhongshan N. Road 3663,Shanghai 200062, China
Education Experience: 
2001.9 - 2004.6 M.S., Shanghai Fisheries University
2007.9 - 2012.5 Ph.D., ECNU
Work Experience: 
2004.7 - Engineer, ECNU
1. Cui Ying, Wu Ying, Xu Zhaoli and Zhang Jing. Potential dietary influence on the stable isotopes and fatty acid composition of migratory anchovy (Coilia mystus) around the Changjiang Estuary. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2015, 95(1):193-205
2. Cui Ying, Wu Ying, Zhang Jing and Wang Na. Potential dietary influence on the stable isotopes and fatty acid compositions of jellyfishes in the Yellow Sea. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2012,92(6): 1325-1333.
3. Ying Cui et al., 2011. Seasonal variations of organic matter and nutrients of Suzhou River and Huangpu River and the environmental effect. Environmental Chemistry, 30, 645-651 (in Chinese).
4. Ying Cui et al., 2009. Distribution of COD and nutrients in South Channel of Changjiang Estuary under saltwater intrusion. Marine Environmental Science, 28, 549-552,561 (in Chinese).
5.Ying Cui, 2007. Advance of phospholipids analysis by high performance liquid chromatography. China Measurement Technology, 33(1), 60-61, 94 (in Chinese).
6.Ying Cui et al., 2006 . Relationship between aquaculture and fishery aqueous environment. Modern Fisheries and Information, 21(4), 9-11, 28 (in Chinese).
7.Ying Cui, 2006. Advance of separation and detection of phospholipids by high performance liquid chromatography. Modern Scientific Instruments, 3, 25-28 (in Chinese).
8.Ying Cui et al., 2003. Studies on the correlation between the instantaneous rate of consumed oxygen of Litnpenaeus vannamei and the dissolved oxygen level as well as seawater salinity. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 2003, 12(1), 76-79 (in Chinese).
9.Ying Cui et al., 2003. The comparison of methods for testing chemical oxygen demand using basic potassium permanganate. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University, 12(2), 182-184 (in Chinese).