Cheng Heqin

Job Title:
Research Interests:
Earth System Science and Global Change in the Estuaries and Coastal Zone
Estuarine and Coastal Morphodynamics and Dynamic Sedimentation
Elemental Cycles and Their Interactions in Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Dongchuan Road 500, Minhang District, Shanghai 200241, China
Academic Position:
Executive Director of Shanghai Geophysical Society
Member of Hydrography and Cartography Committee, Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography
Executive Director of Marine Geology Branch of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology
Member of the Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory of Watershed Eco-geological Processes, Ministry of Natural Resources
Member of Expert Group of Smart Water Conservancy Branch of China Water Enterprises Confederation
Education Experience:
Ph. D., 1992, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
M.S., 1988, Geoscience University of China, Beijing, China.
B.S., 1983, Geoscience University of China, Wuhan, China.
Work Experience:
08/2002-Present: Professor, State Key Labooratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, research interest in estuarine and coastal Morphodynamics and dynamic sedimentation for engineering and integrated coastal management.
10/1994-07/2002: Assosiate professor, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, research interest in Coastal and Estuarine Dynamic Geo-morphology, Stability, Develo
8/1992-9/1994 Postdoctoral Reseach Fellow, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, research interest in the stratigraphical andsedimentational discontinuity and research methods.
8/1983-8/1985 Assisstant Engineer, Institute of Geological Science Research, Anhui Province, interest in the sedimentary evolution of rocks and mining.
Academic Exchange:
Hamburg University, Germany, 1996
Hamburg University, Germany, DAAD, 1998
[1] 2023-2026: On the mechanism behind the shear between bank and channel in the changing tidal limit reach of the Changjiang River estuary. NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA (NSFC).
[2] 2022: Investigation of the shear between bank and channel in the changing tidal limit reach of the Changjiang River estuary. CHINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.
[3] 2017-2021: Natural versus anthropogenically driven behaviour of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in estuarine delta networks, application to the Yangtze Estuary Delta. NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA (NSFC) - The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NOW) - UK Research Councils (RCUK).
[4] 2020: Research and application of water depth change monitoring system in key ports and waterways. East China Sea Navigation Safety Administration.
[5] 2015-2021: Investigation and evaluation on the impact of major water conservancy projects on the geological environment of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. CHINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.
[6] 2008-2010:Interface discovery as a tool for the integrated coastal management of East China Sea. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA.
[7] 2015-2018: Mechanism of large hydraulic engineering within the River catchment basin in sediment entrapment in Changjiang Estuary, NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA
[8] 2014: Impact study of large hydraulic engineering catchment basin in the evolution of river channel, NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA.
[9] 2008-2010: Impact evaluation of large hydraulic engineering within the Changjiang River catchment basin in the subaqueous dune temporal and spatial regime in the estuary, NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA.
[10] 2006: Impact study of large hydraulic engineering within the Changjiang River catchment basin in the subaqueous dune characteristics and stability regime in the estuary, NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA.
[11] 1996-1998: Stability Analysis of subaqueous dune under the combined effects of wave and current in the Qiongzhou Straits, NATIONAL NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF CHINA.
[12] 1999-2002: An investigation of pollutants releasing of bed-sediment re-suspension at the south branch and the south channel of the Yangtze Estuary, SHANGHAI EDUCATION COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT.
[13] 1997-2000: An investigation of high-resolution bed-load transport velocity at the south branch in the Yangtze estuary, SHANGHAI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION.
[14] 10/2010-12/2014: Vulnerability assessment technique and application of sea level rise along the Chinese coast, STATE OCEAN ADMINISTRATION of CHINA.
[15] 1997-1998: An investigation on Beach Erosion and Sea-level rising in Shanghai, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES
[16] 1997-1998:Bed-load transport velocity and developing waterway at the south branch in the Yangtze Estuary, SHANGHAI EDUCATION COMMISSION
[17] 2001-2003: Anthropogenic records in the sediments of salt-marsh ecosystem in the Changjiang Estuary, STATE KEY LABORATORY OF LOESS AND QUATERNARY GEOLOGY, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE.
[18] 2002-2006; Consultancy study on qingcaosha reservoir, SHANG HAI SMI WATER GROUP
[19] 2010-2014;China Sea Level Change Prediction and Coastal Vulnerability Risk Assessment Techniques and Applications,STATE OCEANIC ADMINISTRATION
Backbone to participate
- 2014- 2017: Tianjin research institute for water transport engineering,Ministry of transport of the people’s republic of china, Entrust subject, Channel processes of north passage deep waterways and adjacent reach of the Changjiang Estuary.
- 2011-2014: National natural science foundation, International cooperation project, The dynamic process of fine sediment and its affecting factors in Changjiang estuary and Ems estuary.
- 2010-2013: Shanghai science and Technology Commission,Major research projects, Impacts of sea level rise on the city safety and research on key technologies in the Changjiang estuary.
- 2004-2007: Shanghai science and Technology Commission,Major research projects,Impacts of evolution of Branch Channel in the ChangJiang estuary on the coastal wetlands area and research on engineering strategy.
- 2002-2006: Ministry of national science and technology, Major basic research plan(973), The evolution of estuarine and coastal environment and its response to estuarine processes in a long time scale Estuary.
- 1995-1997: Shanghai municipal government,Decision-making consultation program(Shanghai deep water port),The research of erosion/deposition dynamics and siltation in waterway.
- 1996: Hainan provincial channel bureau,Entrust subject,Natural condition analysis of waterway regulation engineering in Xingang, Haikou.
- Fan HS, Yan HZ, Teng, LZ, Liu RQ, Li ZH*, Cheng HQ*, Zhang EF. The effects of extreme flood events on the turbidity maximum zone in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary, China. Marine Geology, 2023,
- Liu R Q, Cheng H Q*, Y J J. Changes over flood season in turbidity maximum zone using long term remote sensing data in a mountainous macrotidal estuary. Journal of Geophysical Sciences, 2022 (accepted).
- Tang M, Cheng H Q*, Xu Y*, Hu H, Zheng SW, Wang B, Yang ZY, Teng LZ, X W, Zhang EF, Li JF. Channel bed adjustment of the lowermost Yangtze River Estuary from 1983 to 2018: Causes and implications. Water, 2022, 14, 4135.
- Wu S H, Xu Y, Cheng H Q, Wang B. Difference in riverbed micromorphology of two world large lowland rivers: Implication of natural and human effects. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022.
- Cheng H Q*, Chen W, Li J F, Jiang Y H, Hu X, Zhang X L, Zhou F N, Hu F X, Stive MJF. Morphodynamic changes of the Yangtze Estuary under the impact of the Three Gorge Dam, of estuarine engineering interventions and of climate-induced sea level rise. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022.
- Teng L Z, Cheng H Q*, Wang Y J, Zhang E F. Lateral variation of tidal mixing asymmetry and its impact on the longitudinal sediment transport in turbidity maximum zone of salt wedge estuary. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 907.
- Zheng S.W., Hu H., Xu S.J., Cheng H Q*, Li Z.J., Liu E.F. Spatial distribution and response of dunes to anthropogenic factors in the low Yangtze River. CATENA , 2022,212.
- Zheng S W, Yuan X M. Cheng H Q*, Guo X J, Cui H R, Liu E F, Li Z J. Seasonal variation of catenary-bead dunes in the Yangtze River Estuary: causes and implications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10.3390/jmse10070886.
- Chen Jiabin, Yan Huaizhi, Tang Ming, Cheng Heqin*. Response of the evolution of the sandbar in the South Port of the Changjiang Estuary to the estuary improvement project. Journal of Sediment Research, 2023, 1 (accepted).
- Zheng S.W., Luo H.L., Zhang J.Y., Cheng H Q*, Li Z.J., Ma Y.G., Wu S.H., Liu E.F.. Sediment budget and riverbed deformation in the uppermost part of the lower Yangtze River, China. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2022.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q*, Tang M, Xu W, Lv J, Liu E, Gao S, Jim Best, Jiang Y, Zhou Q. The sand ming impact on Poyang Lake: a case study based on high-resolution bathymetry and sub-bottom data. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2022.
- Li Zhenqi, Cheng Heqin*, Li Jiren, Xiang Shiyue, Teng Lizhi. Water shortage and countermeasures of irrigation area around Lake Poyang in dry seasons. Journal of Lake Sciences, 2022, 34(2).
- Wang Y J, Jiang C J*, Cheng H Q, Li W H, Teng L Z. Characteristics and driving mechanisms of mixing and stratification in the North Passage of the Changjiang Estuary, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2022, 38(1): 140-153.
- Li Tong, Zhang E F*, Mao X H, Cheng H Q. Changes and driving factors of the annual maximum tide level in the upper reaches of the Huangpu River in the past 50 years. Marine Science Bulletin, 2022 (accepted).
- Chen G, Cheng H Q*, Zhang J H et al. Application of multi-parameters in the discrimination of bed surface shape in low flow velocity area-taking the lower reaches of the Yangtze River as an example. Journal of Sediment Research, 2022 (publishing).
- Jamila Ngondo, Joseph Mango, Joel Nobert, Alfonse Dubi, Xiang Li, Heqin Cheng*, 2022. Hydrological response of the Wami-Ruvu Basin to land-use and land-cover changes and its impacts for the future. Water, 2022, 184,
- Yan G, Cheng H Q*, Jiang Z Y, Teng LI Z, Tang M, Shi T, Jiang Y H, Yang G Q, Zhou Q P. Recognition of fluvial bank erosion along the main stream of the Yangtze River. Engineering, 2021,
- Tang M, Xu Y, Wang B, Xu W, Cheng H Q*, Tsai FTC. Channel dynamics downstream of an artificial bifurcation of the Lowermost Atchafalaya on the sinking Mississippi River Delta – Implications for future river diversion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021,
- Xu W, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W, Jiang Y H, Zhou Q P, Yang G Q, Yan H Z. Riverbed deformation and its response to human intervention on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. River Research and Application, 2021,
- Jiang Y H, Cheng H Q, Zhou Q P, Li Y, Yang G Q, Jin Y, Mei S J, Gu X, Zhang H. Influence of major water conservation projects on river channels and shorelines in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 2021, 14:884.
- Xu W, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W, Hu H. Predicted mapping of seabed sediments based on MBES backscatter and bathymetric data: A case study in Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Australia using Random Forest Decision Tree. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 947.
- Teng L Z, Cheng H Q*, Swart H E D, Ping D, Li Z H, Li J F, Wang Y J. On the mechanism behind the shift of the turbidity maximum zone in response to reclamations in the Yangtze (Changjiang) Estuary, China. Marine Geology, 2021.
- Hu H, Yang Z Y, Yin D W, Cheng H Q*, Hackney C R, Parsons D R. The combined effect of runoff and tides on low-angle dune evolution at the tidal current limit of the Changjiang Estuary. Geomorphology, 2021.
- Jiang Yuehua, Cheng Heqin, Zhou Quanping, Ni Huayong, Jin Yang et al. The influence of major water conservancy projects on the geological environment of channel and shoreline in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Geology In China, 2021.
- Wu S H, Xu Y J, Wang B, Cheng H Q. Riverbed dune morphology of the Lowermost Mississippi River – Implications of leeside slope, flow resistance and bedload transport in a large alluvial river. Geomorphology 385, 2021.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q*, Tang M, Xu W, Lv J, Liu E, Gao S, Jim Best, Jiang Y, Zhou Q. The sand ming impact on Poyang Lake: a case study based on high-resolution bathymetry and sub-bottom data. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2021.
- Jamila Ngondo, Joseph Mango, Liu Ruiqing, Joel Nobert, Alfonse Dubi, Cheng H Q*. Land-use and land-cover (LULC) change detection and the implications for coastal water resource management in the Wami‒Ruvu Basin, Tanzania. Sustainability, 2021.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q*, Lv J, Li Z, Zhou L. Morphological evolution of estuarine channels influenced by multiple anthropogenic stresses: A case study of the North Channel, Yantze estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2021.
- Hu H, Yang Z Y, Yin D W, Cheng H Q*, Parsons D R. Hydrodynamics over low-angle dunes at the tidal current limit of the Changjiang Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2021.
- Tang M, Xu Y, Xu W, Wang B, Cheng H Q. Three-decadal erosion and deposition of channel bed in the Lower Atchafalaya River, the largest distributary of the Mississippi River. Geomorphology, 2021.
- Xiang S Y, Cheng H Q*, Teng L Z. Recent processes of the base level by scour and their impacts on the Poyang Lake Basin. Journal of Sediment Research, 2021, 46(5): 48-54.
- Ngondo M J, Cheng H Q*, Dubi M A, Norbert J. Sustainable adaptation strategies for freshwater supply-related challenges in coastal cities, Tanzania. Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science), 2020, S1: 114-119.
- Yan G, Cheng H Q*, Teng L Z, Xu W, Jiang Y H, Yang G Q, Zhou Q P. Analysis of the Use of Geomorphic Elements Mapping to Characterize Subaqueous Bedforms Using Multibeam Bathymetric Data in River System. Applied Sciences, 2020,10, 7692;
- Long L H, Ji D B, Yang Z Y, Cheng H Q, Yang Z Liu J, D F, Liu L, Lorke A. Tributary oscillations generated by diurnal discharge regulation in Three Gorges Reservoir. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15,
- Wang B, Xu Y, Cheng H Q, Chen Z, Zhang W. Riverbed changes of the uppermost Atchafalaya River, USA- A case study of channel dynamics in large man -controlled alluvial river confluences. Water, 2020, 12(8):2139.
- Pan D, Wang Z, Zhan Q, Saito Y, Wu H, Yang S, Cheng H Q. Orgainc geochemical evidence of past changes in hydro- and sediment-dynamic processes at river mouths: A case study of Holocence sedimentary records in the Changjiang River delta, China. Continental Shelf Research, 2020, 204/
- Hua K, Cheng H Q*, Yan G, Teng L Z. Recent processes of Biandan sand shoal in the South Branch of the Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Sediment Research, 2020, 45(6): 33-39.
- Wu S H, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W, Tang Q Y. Morphological Change of North Passage of the Yangtze Estuary in Response to Human Activities. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2020, 29(6): 1401-1412.
- Wu S H, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W. Three Decades of Morphological Changes and Micromorphology Features in the South Channel of the Yangtze River Estuary. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2020, 28(6): 1304-1315.
- Tang M, Cheng H Q*, Chen G, et al. Stability analysis of bed in tidal river sections of Yangtze Estuary based on ADCP. Journal of Sediment Research, 2020, 45(1): 37-44.
- Shi T, Cheng H Q*, Hua K, Teng L Z, Tang M, Jiang Z Y, Jiang Y H, Zhou Q P. Recent evolution of flood channels in the Yangtze Estuary affected by fluvial and estuarine engineering:an instance of the Liuyao flood channel. Marine Science Bulletin, 2020, 39(1): 134-142.
- Jiang Z Y, Cheng H Q*, Hua K, Shi T, Tang M, Teng L Z, Yan G. Study on scour along the north bank of Hengsha Island in the Yangtze Estuary. Marine Science Bulletin, 2020, 39(2): 249-256.
- Cheng H Q, Teng L, Chen W. Dune dynamics in coarse silt, sand and gravel along the main channel from the estuarine front of Yangtze River to the Three Gorges Dam. Proceedings of International Conference Maine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID VI), 1-3 April 2019, Bremen, Germany (ISBN 978-2-11-139488-9): 45-50.
- Teng L Z, Cheng H Q*, Qiao Y Y. Analysis of Flow Regime in the Turbidity Maximum Zone of Yangtze Estuary Based on Texture Features of Tiangong-2 Remote Sensing Images[C]. Proceedings of the Tiangong-2 Remote Sensing Application Conference, 2019: 312-322.
- [Xu W, Cheng H Q*, Huang Z, Zheng S W, Chen G. Classifying the grain size of seabed sediments based on multibeam backscatter data—A case study in Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Australia. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2019, 41(1): 172-182.
- [Xu W, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W, Wang S P, Chen G, Yuan X T. Evolution of Nanjing Channel in the Yangtze River and Its Response to Human Activities During the Last 20 Years. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2019, 39(4): 663-670.
- Zhang J H, Cheng H Q*, Chen G, Li J F. Stability analysis on recent floodplain side slope in the Lower Reach of the Yangtze River. Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, 44(3): 39-46.
- Zhang J H, Cheng H Q*, Chen G, Li J F. Stability analysis on recent floodplain side slope in the Lower Reach of the Yangtze River. Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, 44(3): 39-46.
- Teng L Z, Cheng H Q*, Xu W, et al. Study on scour along the levee of the deep-water channel project in Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, 44(4): 41-46.
- Yuan X T, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W, et al. A study on the trend and change mechanism of tidal dynamic at Datong-Nanjing Reach of the Yangtze River in recent years. Marine Science Bulletin, 2019, 38(5): 553-561.
- Hua K, Cheng H Q*, Zheng S W. Formation mechanism of near-shore erosional topography in the Hengsha passage of the Yangtze Estuary. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019, 74(7): 1363-1373.
- Chen G, Cheng H Q*. Riverbed Resistance in the Lower Reach of Yangtze River: Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors. Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, 2019, 36(8): 10-16.
- Zhao J W, Li Z H, Xu S, Zhang E F, Cheng H Q. Vertical Profile of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Upper Reach of North Channel in the Changjiang Estuary During the Dry Season, Yangtze Estuary. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2019, 28(9): 2207-2218.
- Jiang Y H, Zhou Q P, Chen L D, Ni H Y, Lei M T, Cheng H Q, Shi B, Ma T, Ge W Y, Su J W, Li Y, Tan J M. Geological Survey of China, 2019, 6(5): 1-20.
- Cheng H Q, Chen J Y, Chen Z J, et al. Mapping sea level rise behavior in an Estuarine Delta System: A aase study along the Shanghai Coast[J]. Engineering, 2018, (4):156-163.
- Zheng S W, Xu Y J, Cheng H Q. Riverbed erosion of the final 565 kilometers of the Yangtze River (Changjiang) following construction of the Three Gorges Dam. Scientific Reports, 2018,
- Zheng S W, Xu Y J, Cheng H Q, et al. Assessment of bridge scour in the lower, middle, and upper Yangtze River estuary with riverbed sonar profiling techniques[J]. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 2018, 190(1):15.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q, Shi S, et al. Impact of anthropogenic drivers on subaqueous topographical change in the Datong to Xuliujing reach of the Yangtze River[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018:1-11.
- Z Huang, Justy Siwabessy, H Wn Cheng, et al. Using Multibeam Backscatter Data to Investigate Sediment-Acoustic Relationships[J]. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: OCEANS, 2018:6-20.
- Shi S, Cheng H Q, Xuan X, et al. Fluctuations in the tidal limit of the Yangtze River estuary in the last decade[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018:1-12.
- WANG S P, Cheng H Q, Zheng S W, et al. River channel evolution and micro-topography characteristics in the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake confluence in recent years[J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2018,03(43):15-20.
- Zhang J H, Zhou F N, Cheng H Q, Zheng S W. Application of Multimodal Sensor System in Channel Slope Topographic Surveying[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping ,2018(3):102-107.
- Zhang Jiahao, Cheng Heqin, Zhou Fengnian, et al. Stability analysis on arc collapsing channel slope in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River based on multimodal sensor system[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2018(1):155-162.
- Cheng H Q, Chen J Y. Adapting cities to sea level rise: A perspective from Chinese deltas[J]. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2017, 8(2):130-136.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Zheng S W. Variations in geomorphology of middle and upper part of North Channel of Yangtze River Estuary[J]. Yangtze River, 2017, (07) :16-20.
- Yang Z Y, Cheng H Q, Cao Z Y, Gu X J, Shi X T. Effect of Riverbed Morphology on Lateral Sediment Distribution in Estuaries, Journal of Coastal Research.2017. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00157.
- Yang Z Y, Wang Z, Cheng H Q, et al. Analytical study of the sediment transport in the South Channel of Yangtze Estuary, Chian[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017,39(5):22-32.
- Xu W X, Cheng H Q, Zheng S W, et al. Analysis of river regime evolution and trend prediction for the north inlet of the North Channel in the Yangtze Estuary[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2017, (02) :160-167.
- Shi S Y, Cheng H Q, Zheng S W, et al. Erosional topography of the tidal limit in the Yangtze River in flood seasons after the river closure at Three Gorges[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017,39(3):85-95.
- Wu S H, Cheng H Q, Li J F, et al. Recent processes of morphology and micro-topography in South Passage of the Yangtze Estuary[J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2016, 5:47-52.
- Wu S H, Cheng H Q, Xu Y, et al. Observation and analysis of bedform morphology of the Yangtze River estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering,2016, 34(6):84-93.
- We S H, Cheng H Q, Xu Y. Decadal changes in bathymetry of the Yangtze River Estuary: Human impacts and potential saltwater intrusion, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2016, 182:158-169.
- Wu S H, Cheng H Q, Xu Y. Riverbed Micromorphology of the Yangtze River Estuary, Water, 2016, 8 (5):190-204.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q, Wu S H, Liu G W, Lu X J, Xu W X. Discovery and implications of catenary-bead subaqueous dunes. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Science, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5194-3.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q, Zhou Q, et al. Morphology and mechanism of the very large dunes in the tidal reach of the Yangtze River, China[J]. Continental Shelf Research, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2016.10.006.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Ji N, Qiao Y Y, Hu H, Wang D M. Variations in tidal current and suspended sediment concentration in the upper part of North Channel of Changjiang Estuary for the last 10 years[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2015, 33(4):428-435.
- Guo X J, Cheng H Q, Mo R Y. Statistical characteristics and transport law of sand waves in the Yangtze Estuary [J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2015, 37(5): 148-158.
- Zhang X H, Li J F, Zhu W W, Cheng H Q. Study on recent bed changes of erosion and siltation in Yangtze River Estuary [J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,2015, 37(3):134-143.
- Zuo S H, Cheng H Q, Li J F, Han Z Y. Field study on sand wave movement in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary [J]. Journal of Sediment Research,2015, (2):60-66.
- Cheng H Q, Chen Z J, Ruan R L, Xu G Q, Zeng G, Zhu J R, Dai Z J, Chen X Y, Gu S H, Zhang X L, Wang H M, Chen J Y. Sea level change and city safety——The Shanghai as an example[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2015, 35(2):363-373
- Yang Z Y, Cheng H Q, Li J F. Nonlinear advection, Coriolis force, and frictional influence in the South Channel of the Yangtze Estuary, China[J]. Science China Earth Science, 2015, 58(3):429-435. (SCI)
- Cheng H Q, Wang D M, Wei T Y, Chen W, Yang Z Y, Li J F. Formation of estuarine subaqueous dunes in coarse silt and very fine sand in resuspension-dominated tidal flow conditions[J]. 2015.
- Cheng H Q, Wang D M, Chen J Y. The research and predication of relative sea-level change trend about Shanghai region in 2030[J]. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2015.
- Cheng H Q, Ta N, Zhou Y, Zhu J R, Ruan R L, Chen J Y. Background of sea level rise in Shanghai Yangtze Delta water source supply security risk assessment and countermeasures [J]. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2015.
- Lu X J, Cheng H Q, Hu H, Guo X J, Liu G W, WU Shuai-hu. Study on characteristics of bed-load transport with acoustic doppler current profiler in the Yangtze Estuary [J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2015.
- Wu S H, Pang J L, Cheng H Q, Huang C C, Zha X C, Yang J C. Weathering intensity variations in a Holocene Loess-palaeosol Profile from upper Hanjiang catchment in central China[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2015, 24(5).
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q, Wu S H, Hu H, Liu G W, Hu J, Lu X J. Observational studies of sand waves in the South Channel of Yangtze River [J]. Hydrographic Surveying and Charting, 2015.
- Zheng S W, Cheng H Q, Wu S H, Liu G W, Lu X J, Xu W X. Discovery and significances of the catenary-pearl dune [J]. SCIENCE CHINA, 2015.
- Guo X J, Cheng H Q. Channel processes of North Channel and tendency analysis of the Yangtze Estuary [J].Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- [37]. GUO Xing-jie,CHENG He-qin. A cusp catastrophe model for evaluation of North Channel of the Yangtze estuary stability [J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- Guo X J, Cheng H Q, Ji N, Hu H, Liu G W. Study on the influences of fluvial processes of Hengsha Watercourse to deepwater channel[J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Ji N, Qiao Y Y, Hu H, Wang D M. Variations in tidal current and suspended sediment concentration in the upper part of North Channel of Changjiang Estuary for the last 10 years [J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2015.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Li J F, Ji N, Hu H, Qiao Y Y. Recent variation in tidal current and suspended sediment concentration in the Nanhui south shoal of Changjiang Estuary [J]. Marine Sciences, 2015.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Yang Z Y. The variation of hydrodynamics and suspended sediment concentration in the upper and middle of North Passage before and after the construction of the third stage of Changjiang Estuary deepwater channel regulation project[J]. Hydro-Science and Engineering, 2015.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Li J F. The transport mechanism and characteristics of water and suspended sediment in channels of the Changjiang Estuary [J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- Hu H, Cheng H Q, Wei T Y, Yang Z Y, Liu G W. Study of bed load measurement with Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in Yangtze River estuary [J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- Wu Shuaihu, Cheng H Q, Li J F, Ji N, Qiao Y Y. The morphological change and surface sediment distribution of the Yangtze Estuary recently[J]. Journal of Sediment Research, 2015.
- Yang Z Y, Huib E. de Swart, Cheng H Q, Jiang C J, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson. Modelling lateral entrapment of suspended sediment in estuaries: The role of spatial lags in settling and M4 tidal flow[J]. Continental Shelf Research, 2014, 85(5):126–142. (SCI)
- Qiao Y Y, Cheng H Q, Song Z K, Wu S H, Yang Z Y. Research on information semi-quantitation of eatuarine flow pattern based on TM remote sensing image [J].Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2014, 34(5): 118-123.
- Liu G W, Cheng H Q, Ji N, Qiao Y Y, Hu H, Wang D M. Variations in tidal current and suspended sediment concentration in the upper part of North Channel of Changjiang Estuary for the last 10 years[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2014, 33(4): 428-435.
- Hu H, Cheng H Q, Yang Z Y, Ji N. Study of bed load measurement with Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in Yangtze River estuary [J]. Yangtze River, 2014, (14):5-9.
- Song Z K, Wang S, Cheng H Q, Li S D, Guo X B. Numerical analysis on channel-narrowing project in North branch at Changjiang River estuary and its effects on hydrodynamic condition [J]. Yangtze River, 2014, 45(1):11-15.
- Song Z K, Cheng H Q, Liu C X, Jiang Y P, Ji N, Yang Z Y. Numerical Simulation of Oil Spill (Accident) and Its Influence on Water Source Area in Changjiang Estuary [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2013, 22(8):1055-1063.
- Ji N, Cheng H Q, Yang Z Y, Hu H, Chen Z J. Sedimentary and Morphological Evolution of Nearshore Coast of Yangtze Estuary in The Last 30 Years [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(7):945-954.
- HE Y F, Cheng H Q, Chen J Y. Morphological Evolution of Mouth Bars of the Yangtze Estuarine Waterways in the Last 100 Years[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 23(2):219-230. (SCI)
- Guo X J, Cheng H Q, Wang D M, Yang Z Y, Song Z K, Hu H. The flow field simulation analysis around piers [C]. The 16th China Marine (Coastal) Engineering Symposium (the volume two), 2013:869-874.
- Cheng H Q, Zhao J H, Chen Y P, Liu M, Yun C X. The Research Progress of Flood Hazard Warning in Estuarine Delta based on GNSS [C]. The Selection of Fourth“Surveying Science Frontier Technology Forum”, 2012:38-43.
- Yang Z Y, Cheng H Q, Zhu J R, Li S D. Tidal Dynamics of Yangshan Harbor Sea Area and Its Response to the Project [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012, 67(9):1282-1290.
- Song Z K, Cheng H Q, Hu H, Li J F, Jiang Y P. Numerical simulation analysis of influence of reclamation of north branch in the Yangtze River estuary on hydrodynamic characteristics [J]. Yangtze River, 2012, 43(15):59-63.
- Ye R K, Cheng H Q, Jiang H, Yang Z Y. Water Safety Assessment and Protection Countermeasures for Costal Industrial Park in Qinzhou Port of Guangxi [J]. Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences, 2012, 28(3):224-227,231.
- Ye R K, Cheng H Q, Jiang H, Yang Z Y. Water Safety Assessment and Protection Countermeasures for Costal Industrial Park in Qinzhou Port of Guangxi, China [J]. Water Resources Research, 2012, 33(2):1-4.
- Zhou Y, Cheng H Q, Ta N, Jiang H, Ruan R L, Zhao M H. Research on Early Warning System for Fresh Water Supply in Shanghai on Rising Sea Level Background [J]. Resources Science, 2012, 34(7):1312-1317.
- Wang D M, Cheng H Q, Li M T, Zhou F N, Wu J W, Yang Z Y. New formula of local scour depthof thenear-shoresandwaves coveredareas: SutongBridge [J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2012, 30(2):58-65.
- He Y F, Cheng H Q, Yang Z Y, Wang D M, Chen J Y. Calculation of Channel Widening Rate in the South Branch of Yangtze Estuary and Its Variation Characteristics Based on Discharge Section Area [J]. Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, 2012, 29(1):13-19.
- Hu H, Cheng H Q, Zhou F N, Yang Z Y, Song Z K. The Study of the Estuarine Bedload Transport Rate measuremented by ADCP [C]. The 24th Marine Surveying Comprehensive Symposium, 2012.
- Li M T, Cheng H Q, Zhou F N, Wu J W, Li B C. The Effect of Sand Digging to Bedfrom Stability of the Nangang Channel in the Changjiang River Mouth [J]. Hydrographic Surveying and Charting, 2011, 31(1):50-53.
- He Y F, Cheng H Q, Chen J Y. Morphological Evolution of Mouth Bars of the Yangtze Estuarine Waterways in the Last 100 Years [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011, 66(3):305-312.
- He W, Gao L H, Cheng H Q, Li J F. Hydrodynamic simulation of Weiyi bridge in Liuzhou city, Guangxi province, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353: 1874-1877. (EI)
- Yang Z Y, Cheng H Q, Jiang H, Zhang W X, He Y F, Ni Y Z. Detection and Research by Sub-bottom Profiler in Changjiang Estuary [J]. Hydrographic Surveying and Charting, 2011, 31(2):38-41.
- He W, Gao L H, Cheng H Q, Li J F. Study on discharge distribution ratio variation of main connection nodes in Pearl River delta, in wet season, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353: 1883-1886. (EI)
- He W, Cheng H Q, You H L, Gao L H. Dynamic characteristics and salt transportation of Lingdingyang bay of pearl river estuary in summer, Guangdong province, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 347-353: 1926-1929. (EI)
- Wang D M, Cheng H Q, Zhang X L, Ruan R L. Impact of Relative Sea Level in Shanghai [J]. Shanghai Land and Resources, 2011, 32(3):35-40.
- Jiang H, Cheng H Q, Xu H G, Francisco Arreguín Sánchez, Will Le QUESNE. Impact of large jellyfish bloom on energy balance of middle and upper ecosystem in East China Sea [J]. Marine Environmental Science, 2010, 29(1): 91-95.
- Cheng H Q, Hao X H, Jiang H, Ni Y Z, Yang Z Y, Han Z, Jean Francois-Noel. Integrated Ecologic-Economic-Societal Benefit Analysis of Fisheries Protection Areas (FPAs) Based on Desire/ Satisfaction Survey in the China Sea [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):589-595.
- Han Z, Li R, Guo Y F, Cheng H Q. Data Sensitivity Analysis in the Establish of the ECOPATH Biological Energy Flow Model for the East China Sea [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):596-599.
- Li R, Han Z, Cheng H Q, Jiang H. A Preliminary Study on Biological Resources Energy Flows Based on the ECOPATH Model in the East China Sea [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):600-605.
- Fambaye Ngom Sow, Birane Sam, Cheng H Q. Diagnoses of the State of Exploitation of Small Pelagic Stocks in Senegal by the Use of Size Frequencies: Case of Sardinella [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):620-626.
- Ni Y Z, Cheng H Q, Fu W, Jiang H, Wang Y F. Development of on Multi-user Deliberation Support Tool in Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the East China Sea [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):627-633.
- Ta N, Cheng H Q, Jiang H, Ni Y Z, Birane Sambe, Yang Z Y. The Coastal Transects Analysis Model (CTAM) of the East China Sea with Rmphasis on Fisheries: A Case Study on the Zhoushan Islands [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):634-639.
- Jiang H, Cheng H Q, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez. Exploring Fisheries Strategies for Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Case Study of the China Sea [J]. Resources Science, 2010, 32(4):612-619.
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- Wang D M, Cheng H Q, Zhou F N, Yang Z Y, He Y F, Wu J W. The Estimation of Scour Depth at Pier's locality in the Inshore Ripples Distribution [C]. The 24th Marine Surveying Comprehensive Symposium, 2009:271-276.
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- Li M T, Cheng H Q, Zhou F.N., Wu J.W., Li B.C.. Impacts of mining on the South Channel stability in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary [C]. Hydrographic Surveying and Charting Symposium of 20th General Meeting, 2008:154-160.
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- Jiang H., Cheng H.Q., Le Quesne W.F., et al. Examination of fishery and ecosystem trade-offs from marine protected areas in the East China Sea[J]. Environmental Conservation, 2008, 35(2): 137-146. (SCI)
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- Chen J.Y., Cheng H.Q., Dai Z.J., 2007. The impacts and responses of the third driven force in estuary. In: Proceedings of the Third International Yellow River Forum (IYRF) on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance. Yellow River Hydraulic Press, 236-249.
- Will J.F. Le Quesne, Francisco Arreguín-Sánchez, Mirtha Albanez-Lucero,Cheng H Q, Victor H. Cruz Escalona, Georgi Daskalov, Hui Ding, Eduardo González Rodríguez, Johanna J. (Sheila) Heymans, Hong Jiang, Diego Lercari, Cesar López-Ferreira, Jorge A. López-Rocha, Steve Mackinson, John K. Pinnegar, Nicholas V.C. Polunin, Jun Wu, Hai-Gen Xu and Manuel J. Zetina-Rejón, 2008. Analysing ecosystem effects of selected marine protected areas with Ecospace spatial ecosystem models. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 16(2), pp67
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1. Cheng H Q, Jiang Y H, 2021. Physical Process in the Main Channle of the Middle and Lower Yangtze River. Science Press, 714pp, Beijing, China.
2. Cheng H Q Chen J Y, 2016. Study on the Influence of Sea Level Rise on the Estuary of the Yangtze River. Science Ppress, 414pp, Beijing, China.
3. Cheng H Q, 2010. Human action and control in the coastal system (with focus on the fisheries). Science Press, 295pp, Beijing, China.
4. Cheng H Q, Wang B C,1994.The Discontinuity of Sedimentation and Stratigraphy ( in Chinese with an English abstract). China Ocean , 86pp, Beijing, China.
1. Cheng H Q, Jiang Y H, 2021. Physical Process in the Main Channle of the Middle and Lower Yangtze River. Science Press, 714pp, Beijing, China.
2. Cheng H Q Chen J Y, 2016. Study on the Influence of Sea Level Rise on the Estuary of the Yangtze River. Science Ppress, 414pp, Beijing, China.
3. Cheng H Q, 2010. Human action and control in the coastal system (with focus on the fisheries). Science Press, 295pp, Beijing, China.
4. Cheng H Q, Wang B C,1994.The Discontinuity of Sedimentation and Stratigraphy ( in Chinese with an English abstract). China Ocean , 86pp, Beijing, China.