Chen Qiqing
Job Title:
Research Interests:
Microplastic effects on coastal ecosystem
Interactions between plastic and co-existing pollutants
500 Dongchuan Road, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (East China Normal University), Shanghai, China
Academic Position:
Since 2010 Member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), United States
Since 2014 Member of the Chinese Society of Toxicology (CST), China
Since 2024 Member of the Committee on Emerging Contaminants, Environmental Science Society, China
Editorial Position :
Environmental Sciences Europe Subject Editor
2020- Frontiers in Water Editorial Board
2019-2021 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SI: Microplastics) Guest Editor
2022- Aquatic Toxicology (SI: Microplastics and nanoplastics in aquatic ecosystems: Occurrence and potential effect) Editor
Education Experience:
2008 B.S. in Environmental Science, School of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China
2011 M.S. in Environmental Science, College of Environmental Science and Technology, Tongji University, China
2015 Ph.D. in Environmental Science, College of Environmental Science and Technology, Tongji University, China
Work Experience:
2015.9-2017.9 Postdoc Fellowship in Ecosystem Analyses Research, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2017.10-2018.10 Lecturer postdoc, SKLEC, East China Normal University, China
2018.11-2022.12 Senior researcher, SKLEC, East China Normal University, China
2023.01- Professor, SKLEC, East China Normal University, China
Academic Exchange:
2022.02-2023.02 Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada
1. PI: Chongqing Municipal Project, 2024.08-2027.07;Research on the Impact of Flow Regulation and Coastal Types on Microplastic Pollution Characteristics and Transmission Flux in the Yangtze River, (grant number: CSTB2024NSCQ-MSX1120), 50,000 RMB.
2. PI: National Key R&D Program for Young Scientists, 2022.12-2025.11;Research on Microplastic Influx into the Ocean, Transmission Flux, and Ecological Risk Assessment Technologies (grant number: 2022YFC3105900), 2 million RMB;
3. PI: Natural National Science Foundation of China (NSFC);2021.01-2024.12;The chemical characterization and biological effects of biodegradable plastics in the estuarine water environment (grant number: 42077371);570, 000 RMB;
4. PI: Natural National Youth Science Foundation of China (NSFC);2019.01-2021.12;Effects of microplastics on the enrichment of polychlorinated biphenyls in zebrafish under environmental conditions (grant number: 21806038);280, 000 RMB;
5. PI: Shanghai Pujiang Talent Project;2018.07-2020.06;The Co-exposure research of microplastics and typical organic pollutants in the Yangtze River Estuarine (grant number: 18PJ1403400) ;200, 000 RMB;
6. PI: Chinese Postdoc Science Foundation;2015.11-2017.10;Research of bioavailability and toxicity of marine microplastics on aquatic organisms (grant number: 2015M581657) ;50, 000 RMB.
Since 2017 Environmental Toxicology for graduates (54 class hours)
Since 2023 Environmental Protection and Human Development (36 class hours)
2021 General Biology
First/Corresponding authored papers:
[40] Chen, Y., Chen, QQ*, Zuo, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, M., Hou, X., & Shi, H., 2024. Leaching potentials of microplastic fibers and UV stabilizers from coastal-littered face masks. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 134999.
[39] Chen, QQ, Ma, C., Lee, Y.H., Marques Dos Santos, M., Meng, G., Snyder, S.A., Lee, J.S. and Shi, H.H.*, 2024. Non-negligible toxicity to fish in the early life stages triggered by aqueous leachate of takeaway plastic containers. Environmental Science & Technology, 58 (23), 10041-10051.
[38] Chen QQ*, Yang, Y., Qi, H.Q., Su, L., Zuo, C.C., Shen, X.T., Chu, W.H., Li, F.* Shi, H.H., 2024. Rapid mass conversion for environmental microplastics of diverse shapes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(24), 10776-10785.
[37] Zhang, D., Chen QQ*, Xu, T., & Yin, DQ*., 2025. Current research status on the distribution and transport of micro (nano) plastics in hyporheic zones and groundwater. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 151, 387-407.
[36] Zhang, S., Chen, Y., Liu, S., Li, Y., Zhao, H., Chen QQ*, Hou, X.*, 2024. Dissolution-precipitation method concatenated sodium alginate/MOF-derived magnetic multistage pore carbon magnetic solid phase extraction for determination of antioxidants and ultraviolet stabilizers in polylactic acid food contact plastics. Talanta, 270, 125487.
[35] Zuo, C., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Jiang, J., Qiu, W., Chen QQ*, 2024. Leaching of heavy metals from polyester microplastic fibers and the potential risks in simulated real-world scenarios. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 461, 132639.
[34] Yan, X., Chen QQ*, Zhang, Z., Fu, Y., Huo, Z., Wu, Y. and Shi, H., 2023. Chemical features and biological effects of degradation products of biodegradable plastics in simulated small waterbody environment. Science of The Total Environment, 904, 166829.
[33] Zhang, M., Li, Y., Zhang, S., Li, L., Chen QQ* and Hou, X.*, 2023. Matrix complete dissolution concatenated biochar magnetic solid-phase extraction of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in polyester fibers prior to UPLC-MS/MS analysis. Microchimica Acta, 190(12), 496.
[32] Chen QQ, Shi, G.*, Revell, L.E., Zhang, J., Zuo, C., Wang, D., Le Ru, E.C., Wu, G. and Mitrano, D.M., 2023. Long-range atmospheric transport of microplastics across the southern hemisphere. Nature Communications, 14(1), 7898.
[31] Ma, C., Chen QQ*, Gao, Z., Yang, Y., Cheng, J., Shi, H., 2023. Diel pattern of microplastic residues in zebrafish. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(44), 16779-16787.
[30] Yang, Y., Li, MY., Yu, HR, Tong, Y., Chen QQ*. Effects of fibrous microplastics on the accumulation of tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate and behavior of zebrafish via water- and foodborne exposure routes. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 892: 164389.
[29] Chen QQ*, Gao, Z., Wu, Y.*, Li, H., Jiang, J., Yang, Y., Xu, L., Shi, HH. Insight into chemical features of migrated additives from plastics and associated risks to estuarine ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023: 130861.
[28] Chen YY, Chen QQ*, Zhang Q, Zuo CC, Shi HH. An overview of chemical additives on (micro)plastic fibers: occurrence, release, and health risks. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2022, 260: 22.
[27] Chen QQ, Gao Z., Wang K, Magnuson JT, Chen YY, Li MY, Shi HH, Xu L*, High accumulation of microplastic fibers in fish hindgut induces an enhancement of triphenyl phosphate hydroxylation. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 317: 120804.
[26] Yu, H., Chen QQ*, Qiu, W., Ma, C., Gao, Z., Chu, W., & Shi, H. Concurrent water-and foodborne exposure to microplastics leads to differential microplastic ingestion and neurotoxic effects in zebrafish. Water Research, 2022, 219:118582.
[25] Chen QQ1*,Gao JN1, Yu HR, Su H, Yang Y, Cao YJ, Zhang Q, Ren YJ, Shi HH, Chen C.*, Liu HP*, An emerging role of microplastics in the etiology of lung ground glass nodules. Environmental Sciences Europe, 2022, 34(1): 1-15.
[24] Gao Z, Yu HR, Li MY, Li XY, Lei J, He DF, Wu G, Fu Y, Chen QQ*, Shi HH, A battery of baseline toxicity bioassays directed evaluation of plastic leachates—towards the establishment of bioanalytical monitoring tools for plastics. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 828:154387.
[23] Yu HR, Gao Z, Yang Y, Li MY, Chen QQ*, Inhibition of xenobiotics transporters’ efflux ability after nanoplastics exposure in larval Japanese medaka. Water, 2022, 14(6): 863.
[22] Zhang Q, Du F, Liang W, Chen QQ*, Meng J, Shi HH. Microfiber fallout during dining and potential human intake. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022: 128477.
[21] Li MY, Chen QQ*, Ma CZ, Gao Z, Yu HR, Xu L, Shi HH, Effects of microplastics and food particles on organic pollutants bioaccumulation in equi-fugacity and above-fugacity scenarios. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 812:152548.
[20] Chen QQ, Zhang X Y, Xie Q, Lee Y H, Lee J-S, Shi H H*, Microplastics habituated with biofilm change decabrominated diphenyl ether degradation products and thyroid endocrine toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 228:112991.
[19] Liao J, Chen Q Q*, Biodegradable plastics in the air and soil environment: low degradation rate and high microplastics formation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,418: 126329.
[18] 李明媛,陈启晴*,刘学敏,施华宏. 微塑料吸附有机污染物的研究进展.环境化学.2022,41(4):1-13.
[17] 俞海睿,陈启晴*,施华宏. 水生环境中微塑料自身及负载有机污染物的生物富集效应研究进展.科学通报.2021,66(20): 2504-2515.
[16] Chen QQ*, dos Santos MM, Tanabe P, Harraka GT, Magnuson JT, McGruer V, Qiu WH, Shi HH, Snyder SA, Schlenk D*. Bioassay guided analysis coupled with non-target chemical screening in polyethylene plastic shopping bag fragments after exposure to simulated gastric juice of fish. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,401: 123421.
[15] Ma CZ, Li LY, Chen QQ*, Lee JS, Gong JH, Shi HH. Application of internal persistent fluorescent fibers in tracking microplastics in vivo processes in aquatic organisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021,123336.
[14] Chen QQ, Lackmann C, Wang WY, Seiler TB, Hollert H, Shi HH*. Microplastics Lead to Hyperactive Swimming Behaviour in Adult Zebrafish. Aquatic Toxicology, 2020, 224:105521.
[13] Chen QQ*, Li Y, Li BW. Is color a matter of concern during microplastic exposure to Scenedesmus obliquus and Daphnia magna? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 383: 121224.
[12] Chen QQ*, Allgeier A, Yin D, Henner Hollert. Leaching of endocrine disrupting chemicals from marine microplastics and mesoplastics under common life stress conditions. Environment International, 2019, 130: 104938.
[11] Chen QQ, Zhang, H.B.*, Allgeier, A., Zhou, Q., Ouellet, J., Crawford, S., Luo, Y.M., Yang, Y., Shi, H.H., Hollert, H.*, Marine microplastics bound dioxin-like chemicals: model explanation and risk assessment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 364: 82-90.
[10] Chen, Q. Q., Reisser, J.*; Cunsolo, S.; Kwadijk, C.; Kotterman, M.; Proietti, M.; Slat, B.; Ferrari, F. F.; Schwarz, A.; Levivier, A.; Yin, D. Q.; Hollert, H.; Koelmans, A. A., Pollutants in Plastics within the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52(2): 446-456.
[9] 陈启晴; 杨守业; Hollert, H.; 尹大强*, 微塑料污染的水生生态毒性与载体作用. 生态毒理学报 2018, 13, (1), 16-30.
[8] Chen, Q.Q., Yin, D. Q.*; Jia, Y. L.; Schiwy, S.; Legradi, J.; Yang, S. Y.; Hollert, H., Enhanced uptake of BPA in the presence of nanoplastics can lead to neurotoxic effects in adult zebrafish. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 609, 1312-1321.
[7] Chen QQ, Gundlach M, Yang SY, Jiang J, Velki M, Yin DQ*, Hollert H. Quantitative investigation of the mechanisms of microplastics and nanoplastics toward zebrafish larvae locomotor activity. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 584-585: 1022-1031.
[6] Chen QQ, Hu XL, Yin DQ*, Wang R. Effect of subcellular distribution on nC60 uptake and transfer efficiency from Scenedesmus obliquus to Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 128:213-221.
[5] Chen QQ, Hu XL, Yuan J, Wang R, Yin DQ*. Fullerene inhibits benzo(a)pyrene efflux from Cyprinus carpio hepatocytes by affecting cell membrane fluidity and P-glycoprotein expression. Aquatic Toxicology, 2016,174:36-45.
[4] Chen QQ, Yin DQ*, Li J, Hu XL, Wang R, Zhang C. The effect of nC60 on tissue distribution of ibuprofen in Cyprinus carpio. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 496: 453-460.
[3] Chen QQ, Yin DQ, Li J, Hu XL *. The effects of humic acid and the uptake and depuration of fullerene aqueous suspensions in two aquatic organisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2014, 33(5):1090-1097
[2] Chen QQ, Yin DQ, Zhu SJ, Hu XL *. Adsorption of cadmium(II) on humic acid coated titanium dioxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 367(1): 241-248.
[1] 陈启晴,尹大强,胡霞林*. 溶液化学对纳米二氧化钛吸附腐殖酸的影响. 环境化学, 2011, 30(4): 797-802.
Other co-authored papers:
[22] Ma, C., Chen, Q.Q., Li, J., Li, B., Liang, W., Su, L., & Shi, H. (2022). Distribution and translocation of micro-and nanoplastics in fish. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 1-14.
[21] Gundlach, M., Di Paolo, C., Chen, Q.Q., Majewski, K., Haigis, A. C., Werner, I., & Hollert, H.* (2021)., Clozapine modulation of zebrafish swimming behavior and gene expression as a case study to investigate effects of atypical drugs on aquatic organisms. Science of The Total Environment, 2021: 152621.
[20] Li B , Liang W , Liu Q X , Fu, S.J., Ma, C.Z., Chen, Q.Q., Su, L., Craig, N., Shi, H.H.* (2021). Fish ingest microplastics unintentionally. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(15):10471-10479.
[19] Tanabe, P.*, Mitchell, C. A., Cheng, V., Chen, Q.Q., Volz, D. C., & Schlenk, D. (2021). Stage-dependent and regioselective toxicity of 2-and 6-hydroxychrysene during Japanese medaka embryogenesis. Aquatic Toxicology, 105791.
[18] Deng, H., Li, R., Yan, B., Li, B., Chen, Q.Q., Hu, H., Xu, Y.,& Shi, H.* (2021). PAEs and PBDEs in plastic fragments and wetland sediments in Yangtze estuary. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 409, 124937.
[17] Kang, H. M., Byeon, E., Jeong, H., Kim, M. S., Chen, Q.Q., & Lee, J. S.* (2021). Different effects of nano-and microplastics on oxidative status and gut microbiota in the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124207.
[16] Qiu WH, Fang MJ, Magnuson JT, Greer JB, Chen QQ, Zheng Y, Xiong Y, Luo SS, Zheng CM*, Schlenk D*. Maternal exposure to environmental antibiotic mixture during gravid period predicts gastrointestinal effects in zebrafish offspring[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020: 123009.
[15] Cai HW, Chen MD, Chen QQ, Du FN, Liu JF, Shi HH*. Microplastic quantification affected by structure and pore size of filters. Chemosphere, 2020: 127198.
[14] Du FN, Cai HW, Zhang Q, Chen QQ, Shi HH*. Microplastics in take-out food containers[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020: 122969.
[13] Qiu W.H.*, Hu J.Q., Magnuson J.T., Greer J., Yang M., Chen Q.Q., Fang M.J., Zheng C.M.*, Schlenk D. (2020). Evidence linking exposure of fish primary macrophages to antibiotics activates the NF-kB pathway. Environment International, 138, 105624.
[12] Li B.W., Su L., Zhang H.B., Deng H., Chen Q.Q., Shi H. H. (2020). Microplastics in fishes and their living environments surrounding a plastic production area. Science of the Total Environment, 138662.
[11] Zhang Q., Xu E. G., Li J.N., Chen Q.Q., Ma L.P., Zeng E.Y., Shi H.H. (2020). A review of microplastics in table salt, drinking water, and air: direct human exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 3740-3751.
[10] Zhou, S., Chen, Q.Q., Di Paolo, C., Shao, Y., Hollert, H., & Seiler, T. B. (2019). Behavioral profile alterations in zebrafish larvae exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of eight priority pharmaceuticals. Science of The Total Environment, 664, 89-98.
[9] Su, L., Deng, H., Li, B., Chen, Q.Q., Pettigrove, V., Wu, C., & Shi, H.* (2019). The occurrence of microplastic in specific organs in commercially caught fishes from coast and estuary area of east China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 365, 716-724.
[8] Jia, Y., Chen, Q.Q., Crawford, S. E., Song, L., Chen, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M., ... & Hollert, H. (2019). Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of endocrine disruptors in the third largest freshwater lake in China. Environmental Pollution,245, 408-418.
[7] Jia, Y., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Crawford, S. E., Chen Q.Q., Seiler, T. B., Schäffer, A., & Hollert, H. (2019). Effect-based and chemical analyses of agonistic and antagonistic endocrine disruptors in multiple matrices of eutrophic freshwaters. Science of The Total Environment, 651, 1096-1104.
[6] Jabeen, K., Li, B., Chen Q.Q., Su, L., Wu, C., Hollert, H., & Shi, H. (2018). Effects of virgin microplastics on goldfish (Carassius auratus). Chemosphere, 213, 323-332.
[5] Hu XL, Li J, Chen Q.Q., Lin ZF, Yin DQ*. Combined effects of aqueous suspensions of fullerene and humic acid on the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Evaluated with negligible depletion solid-phase microextraction. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 493:12-21.
[4] Li X, Yin DQ, Yin JY, Chen Q.Q., Wang R*. Dietary selenium protect against redox-mediated immune suppression induced by methylmercury exposure. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014,72: 169-177.
[3] Hu XL, Chen Q.Q., Jiang L, Yu ZY, Jiang DL, Yin DQ*. Combined effects of titanium dioxide and humic acid on the bioaccumulation of cadmium in zebrafish. Environmental Pollution, 2011,159(5):1151-1158.
[2] 李晶,胡霞林,陈启晴, 尹大强*.纳米材料对水生生物的生态毒理效应研究进展. 环境化学, 2011, 30(12): 1993-2002.
[1] Cui Y, Liu YF, Chen Q.Q, Zhang R, Song YB, Jiang XP, Wu CF, Zhang JH*. Genomic cloning, characterization and statistical analysis of an antitumor-analgesic peptide from Chinese s.corpion Buthus martensii Karsch. Toxicon, 2010, 56(3): 432-439.
[1] Edited the 12th chapter “Biological effects of microplastics” of a Chinese book Introduction to the Plastic Pollution. Science Press. ISBN: 9787030672926. 2020.
[2] Edited the 12th chapter “Research progress on formation analysis behavior and risk control of environmental microplastics” of a Chinese book Frontier of Environmental Chemistry (Vol. 2). Science Press. ISBN: 9787030620071. 2019.
[3] Edited the 4th chapter “Uptake and biotransformation of POPs” of a Chinese book Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Environmental Toxicology. Science Press. ISBN: 9787030603029. 2019.
[4] Translated the Preface, 10-13 Chapters, Conclusions, and Acknowledgements of the book Biosphere: Who is the last creature of the Earth? into Chinese. Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press. ISBN: 9787542852441. 2011.
[5] Translated and edited the 3rd chapter “Ecological risk assessment framework” of the book Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment (2nd version). Higher Education Press. ISBN: 9787040278828. 2011.
2014 CSC-DAAD Sino-German Scholarship for postdoc fellow (25 quota per year)
2009 Third Prize of National Mathematical Modeling Competition for Postgraduates of China
Academic Conference:
2010.09 Oral presentataion, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Asia-Pacific, Guangzhou, China
2013.09 Oral presentation, The 7th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Guiyang, China
2014.06 Poster presentation, The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST), Houston, USA
2015.09 Poster presentation, Symposium on "Microplastic in the environment", Institute of Toxicology and Innovation (NOVA), Cologne, Germany
2016.04 Poster presentation, The Third National Ecotoxicology Conference, Wuxi, China
2016.05 Poster presentation, The 26th European Annual Meeting of SETAC, Nantes, France
2016.09 Oral presentation, the 7th German Water Chemistry Association (Summer) “Microplastics in the aquatic environment”
2016.12 Oral presentation, Annual Meeting of New Cooperative Organization for Monitoring and Management of Environmental Pollutants (NORMAN), Vienna, Austria
2017.05 Oral presentation, The 27th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC European Annual Meeting), Brussels, Belgium
2017.10 Oral presentation, The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Hangzhou, China
2017.10 Oral presentation, International Estuary and Coastal Conference (ECSA 2017), Shanghai, China
2017.11 Invited oral presentation, The 1st Sino-Japanese Symposium on Marine Litter, Shanghai, China
2018.03 Oral presentation, The 6th International Marine Litter Conference (6IMDC), San Diego, USA
2018.04 Oral presentation (The best oral presentation award), The 5th National Ecotoxicology Symposium, Dalian, China
2018.06 Oral presentation (The best oral presentation award), The 1st National Symposium on Environmental (Marine) Pollution Control in Microplastics, Zhoushan, China
2018.09 Oral presentation, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC-AP Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting), Daegu, Korea
2019.04 Oral presentation, The 6th National Ecotoxicology Symposium, Guangzhou, China
2019.06 Oral presentation (The best oral presentation award),The 2nd National Symposium on Pollution and Control of Environmentai Microplastics, Nanjing, China
2019.06 Invited oral presentation, The 9th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology (9ICMPE), Hong Kong, China
2020.11 Oral presentation, The 15th Forum on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Shanghai, China
2021.05 Oral presentation, Web-Workshop SIGN2 Web-Workshop SIGN2 Project Part "Pollutants and Water Treatment",Shanghai,China
2021.06 Invited oral presentation, The Third National Symposium on Pollution and Control of Environmental Microplastics, Qingdao, China
2021.08 Invited oral presentation, The 7th National Ecotoxicology Conference, Guilin, China
2021.11 Oral presentation (The best oral presentation award), The 41st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Tianjin, China
2021.12 Oral presentation The 6th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, China-Korea, on line.