Chen Jiyu

Job Title:
Research Interests:
Estuarine and Coastal Research
Zhongshan N. Road 3663,Shanghai 200062, China
Work Experience:
B.Sc., National Zhejiang University (1945)
Graduate student, National Zhejiang University (1947)
Lecture, Associate Professor, ECNU (1952-1978)
Professor, ECNU (1978-)
Academician, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (1996-)
Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering (1999-)
Participated Projects:
1. “The eigth five-year program”: Deep Water Navigation Channel Management in the Yangtze Estuary
2. National Key Fund Program: Sediment Dynamic Processes and their Application in the Main Estuaries of China
3. Large scale engineering: Pudong International Airport Relocated Eastwards and Ecological Engineering on Jiuduanshan Shoals
4. “The ninth five-year program”: Prediction Technologies on Disasters of Erosion-Siltation in the Typical Estuaries
1. Dynamic Processes and Geomorphologic Evolution of Yangtze Estuary
2. Chinese Coastal Development Process and Evolution
3. Development principle mode of Yangtze Estuary in the last 2000 years
4. Processes of Dynamic Sedimentation in the Yangtze Estuary
5. Development of Yangtze Estuary and its Submerged Delta